
Author : S. P. Mahoney “Freighter Tigris, Control. You’re straying out of your flight path -- explain. Now.” Maria and Crone shared a look, before Maria put on her headset. Rank hath its responsibilities. “Control, this is Tigris. Something hit us ...

Ticket to Paradise

Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer Two-hundred and twenty years had finally passed. We had reached our destination. From our sleep tubes we could see the first images of the beautiful green planet on our displays. But I did not care about any of it. Then as our ship ...

Big Brother

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer The battlefield is silent and empty. In the city beyond, we can see figures on the remaining vantage points. All of us gawking like children as the spectacle continues. The dawning light reflects from angles or scatters in rainbow flashes ...

Sisters of Mars

Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer I watched as the Martian women came down the stairs from their shuttle onto the tarmac. Regular Martian humans smeared red clay into their skin but these Ambassadors had tattooed their entire bodies red. They believed that if your skin ...


Author : Christina Richard More often than not, pretty girls do not get master’s degrees in neurorobotics. I am as ugly as your worst nightmare, but the bots I design have made grown men forget how to pronounce their own last names. And considering what happens to some of the ...

Before Ruin

Author : Cruz Andronico Fernandez People were getting sick everyday. Scott could care less. It was just something talked about on the television. So when he fell off his bike and tore up his arm he was only thinking about when he could get back on and ride again. The day ...

Little Sarah's Sixth

Author : Thomas Desrochers The crowd is fast on the heels of the gate guards. Evacuation sirens are blaring, deafening. Over everything the massive ship looms, engines warming up. Everybody is running, but from what, or why, nobody can say. They've been trained to for years. ...

kharla's Getaway

Author : Desmond Hussey We’re cutting it damn close. The three Gyth gliders are closing quickly as we jink in and out of the towering rock spires attempting to stay out of their line of fire. We’re gaining altitude quickly enough, but Kharla’s running low on water to convert ...

Show and Tell

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer “Good morning, children,” said Nek-orf La’Erer. “Good morning, Mx. La’Erer,” replied her students in unison. “We have a lot to get through today,” she said without preamble. “So, we’ll continue where we left off yesterday. Tjen’er, ...


Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer Janice curled up in the corner of the overstuffed couch, watching as Dora mixed drinks at the sidebar. She studied the woman with lustful fascination, eager to explore the flesh beneath the low-back, high hemmed dress and learn for herself ...

Hostage Situation

Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer The situation was bad; twenty-nine hostages, mostly women and children, and these guys were a whole new breed of terrorist. Similar instances as this had already ended horribly when any type of extraction was attempted. They were usually ...

Faster Than Life

Author : George R. Shirer There are three types of people who become FTL-pilots: crazies, masochists and sad sacks. I’m the last. At least, that’s what my boss would tell you. That I’m one of those sad bastards who can’t let go of the past. Then he’d probably tell you what ...


Author : Sean A. Murphy “I would first like to thank you all for your time and consideration, but I have to open this session with an apology. I do not have any easy solutions to offer you, nor even any that may ask you all for some tremendous investment. I know many of you ...


Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer I’m not in the moment. I am the moment, locked in by law-enforcement combat conditioning. Beyond my fixed perceptions, there is nothing. The instructors told us to take in the whole enhanced experience at these times, letting the moment ...

The Sybaris Affair

Author : Desmond Hussey Ensign Morecock felt ashamed when he returned from shore leave, but only moderately so. He knew his actions could quite possibly get him discharged from Space Fleet, but it was well worth it. Since first contact with the Sybaris, progress toward ...

Ghost of Christmas Future

Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer Season six of Starfleet Academy had just started on the television. Pizza boxes were stacked high around him. The lights were out. Underwear and dirty clothes lay strewn about the place. Jim’s laziness was catching up with him. He was ...

Settled Science

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer “You know, Albert,” said Thomas Hoofnagle, “this has all the makings of a stereotypical science fiction story.” “How so?” asked Albert Arnold as he made some final adjustments to the torpedo’s structural integrity field. “Surely you ...

Too Sexy For My Genes

Author : Desmond Hussey “Twenty-five quid”, the androgynous doorkeeper said, looking bored despite the deafening beats and boisterous atmosphere in the club behind him/her. I waved my hand over the ID scanner/ electronic debit transfer and hoped I had enough cash left for ...

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