The Real Thing

Author : Roi R. Czechvala, Featured Writer “Goddamn it, this is the seventh time this week that this goddamn machine has stolen money from me,” Joe screamed, feebly punching the mechanical purveyor of carbonated beverages, “the goddamn thing has more of my money than I ...

Reactor Number Two

Author : Dale Anson It had taken eleven reactors on Earth for the first success, each one larger than the previous, each one providing the power to get the next one going, but fusion power had been achieved. All the safe and endless power that anyone could want. There were ...

Why I Hate the Colonists

Author : John Eric Vona

I don’t listen to all that propaganda from Earth Authority. I’m not some mindless rocket rider, I can think for myself. Government announcements about the “barely human filth” living off-world are just filth themselves. They’re no less human; doesn’t matter ...

She Wore Red

Author : Natalie Metzger The Company had come for her sooner than she had expected. It had only been five hours since she had liberated the compound from the Company's labs. It had been an inside job, planned out months in advance. She knew that they would find out ...

Beautiful Sky

Author : Sharoda I've been out on the porch watching the sky; I'm out here pretty much all the time since I had to medicate Sharon. The sky is beautiful now, day and night, filled with shooting stars and colors that you just don't normally see. Sharon was fretting and ...

Voyage of The Crimson Lady

Author : Roi R. Czechvala, Featured Writer In the cavernous interior of the ships main docking bay, three coffin like tanks came to life. Inside each, the senior officers of The Crimson Lady were resuscitated. The tank lids retracted and a thin mist spilled to the floor, ...

The Head of the Snake

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer Dominating the center of “The War Room” was a large horseshoe-shaped mahogany conference table. At the head of the table sat the President of The United Earth, and his Joint Chiefs of Staff. Along the two sides of the conference table ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer She left me for a space trucker. I wasn’t even mad. Hell, I understood. The thing about space truckers is that they drive space trucks. They go from place to place. They come in to port, drop some stuff off and then, and this is the ...

To Sleep Alone

Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer Nathan hated fighting with Claire. It was inevitable; they'd been awake and otherwise alone with the ship, tending to its needs, granting their minds a temporary reprieve from the long sleep. If you spent a few months alone with only your ...


Author : Shannon Peil The Daughter looked sullenly around the council, at the hopeful eyes of politicians, bureaucrats, magistrates, and men of wealth, and their chosen suitors, knelt before her. She nodded to the back of the room, and they began to filter out slowly, risking ...


Author : Steven Odhner I'm weightless, then suddenly formless like the universe before God spoke to it. I'm behind my desk, staring at a black screen. There are three bananas on the desk and no peels in the trash, so it's probably a Wednesday morning. The desk is one at ...

The Coin-Operated Boy

Author : William Tracy She loved the Coin-Operated Boy. None of the men in her life would really love her. Yes, they were strong, and handsome, and promised wealth and luxury. They were also full of hate, and lies. The Coin-Operated Boy was none of these things. He was ...


Author : Rob Burton He lifts the stained snow to his visor. Tiny mechanisms sample the stuff and, after sterilizing it (though that was hardly necessary at such low temperatures), sprays it as an aerosol into his nose and mouth. A tiny readout in his visor confirms his ...


Author : Debbie Mac Rory “I’m gonna take it” “I don’t think you should…” “What? It’s just lying here, it’s not like it belongs to anyone” “You don’t know that” “You mean one of these boulders is suddenly going to come to life and chastise me for taking its petrified ...

Money Man

Author : Peter Pincosy Steel floats overhead, encased in concrete, wrapped in duct and wires, our own inorganic trees. Coughing bloat from the towers pushes out heat into the sky, lays labor on the air. In the cracks fly screaming machines their tops reflect varied colors. ...

Reversed Universe

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer Three aliens floated a few dozen meters beyond the ship’s forward observation viewport. They were formless blobs approximately two meter in diameter. The center creature was glowing a faint orange-red, with numerous concentric yellow ...


Author : E.S Wynn “The 882 looks cool.” Cylea glanced up, grinned. “How much for the 882?” The old man gave her a quick glance, eyes wary over spectacles that stood out like antique flair garnered from a bygone age. His reply came solidly. “I can’t sell you the 882.” “Why ...

About Time

Author : Andrew Pang The global media sighed at NASA's attempt to laugh off trillions of dollars worth of international effort. Its called The L.O.F.T. [Lot of Floating Trash]. The Japanese first encountered it in 2011 at the Second Lagrange point, an area in space where ...

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