Routine Traffic Stop

Author : Dan Hope "Shut it down! SHUT IT DOWN!" Officer Jepson hovered at a safe distance and watched as the man floated across the landing pad, bobbing up and down, bumping into the guard rail as he slapped frantically at the controls strapped to his forearm. Packs were ...

The Arrival

Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer The control harness turned blue a second before I knew we were going to be hit. I pressed up against the back of the transport in a futile simian effort to get as far away from the pain as possible. The light outside the windows went ...


Author : N. Thomas Parshall If I hadn’t made the tran-atomics strike, we couldn’t have afforded the cottage in Coventry. If we couldn’t afford the cottage, we wouldn’t have been docked during the strike. If we hadn’t been docked during the strike, we would have waited to ...

What Goes Around

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer “We know that you released the Vigilante Spheres, Dr. Vehmic. So, you might as well confess,” argued the investigator. Dr. Vehmic leaned back in his chair and smiled. Yes, he did release the spheres, but they couldn’t prove it. “I ...

Relatively Safe

Author : J.D. Rice Discovering how to travel forward in time had been easy. Scientists had been experimenting with the accelerator for decades, perfecting safety limits, performing animal testing, making it ideal for human use. Set a dial, flip a switch, and a human being ...

Traffic Violations

Author : Thomas Keene "But, your honor! I didn't commit that crime." The judge rubbed his forehead with both hands. "Your vehicle was double-parked, on a curb, and had struck a mailbox. We have two store surveillance tapes showing you parking it and driving it away. But ...


Author : Thomas Keene "So," the diplomat said, "is our offer acceptable to the people of Earth?" I held my face in my hands and said nothing. The young lieutenant on my right, sat back down with another cup of coffee. The soldier standing on my left shifted his stance ...

Where's my jetpack?

Author : Carter Lee What happened to your future? We're it. We, men from the future, have kidnapped you the day before you were going to make your ground-breaking new invention known to the world. We've taken the invention itself, and every scrap of paper and every shred of ...

Respawn Malfunction

Author : Steven Holland “Mr. Coleman, I already know everything you will teach; therefore, I’m going to ignore you and read about time travel and reincarnation.” Jamie Faulkner was 17, beautiful, and knew it – but didn’t seem to care. She possessed a lean, athletic body, ...

A Sky Empty but for the Sun

Author : JC Crumpton The brown-haired man raised his eyelids that felt swollen and heavy to a sky filled with a burning light as it bore pain angrily into the back of his head. A deep crack split the right side of his bottom lip, forcing him to wince and shrink from the pain ...


Author : Roi R. Czechvala, Staff Writer Battles in space aren’t the cool atmosphere bound dogfights of the twentieth century that are still depicted in movies. Battles in space are a matter of orbital mechanics, patience and stealth. Real fighters aren’t streamlined, sexy, ...

The Last Puppy

Author : James C.G. Shirk CANINE STUDIES INSTITUTE HQ (Abr. Final Project Report) Status: One survivor Breed: Retriever (mixed) Name: Pita Sex: Male Age: 5 Weeks Pathology: Infected w/CCDV Prognosis: Terminal within two weeks. End of Report Submitted by: ...


Author : Michael F. da Silva It started with a minor skirmish in a conflict between minor universes. A third-world war on a cosmic scale. Those universes were already unfathomably older than this one at any pace. An absolute zero trooper was wounded trying to avoid a ...

More or Less

Author : Jason Frank She asked for more. I asked something like, “More? More? It's all yours already. Look around. Everything, every single thing is yours. The couch decided to settle into a shape that complements your rear, not mine; the curtains, you painted on them, they ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer There is a clarity that comes with crisis, he thought, a simplicity that comes with emergency. That’s why this movie night on a space station named Heron 6 pinned in the perihelion lagrange point between Triskus and Constantine became a ...

Conventional Warfare

Author : Ian Rennie "I look ridiculous." "You look fine." "What is this garment made of, anyway?" "A stretchy polymer filled with some kind of foam. It simulates the effect of muscles on your thorax." "Why would I want to have muscles on my thorax?" "Because that's ...

Fundamental Laws

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer “Exactly what do you expect is going to happen, Dr. Erwin?” asked Captain Podolsky as he stared out the aft viewport. “Well, Captain, if Schrodinger’s unpublished theorem is correct, when I create a quantum bubble around that asteroid, ...

You Deserve A Break Today

Author : Roi R. Czechvala, Staff Writer “With the launch of Grimace 4, the MacDonaldCorp orbital facility will be completed on time and ready to begin dishing out delicious meals at competitive prices to our brave astronauts as well as the astronauts and cosmonauts of all ...

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