Do Me a Favor

It was my lunch break. I was eating my turkey on rye on the roof of the Jefferson Bank Building in downtown Spartanburg just like I had every day for the last fifteen years. That sandwich needed the South Carolina humidity and roofing-tar smell or it just didn’t taste right. I’d never seen ...


Author : Desmond Hussey, Staff Writer “Oracle, will she love me forever?” Tim whispers to the shimmering, liquid amber orb hovering in its special alcove in the family room. It’s late and he should be in bed, but he must know the truth. He can’t sleep. All he can think about is her ...


Author : Lindsey McLeod "Good afternoon!” The teller chirped happily as Nagano sat down at the first available desk. "Welcome to FilmScape! What may I help you with today?" "I'd like to cancel my account," he said, sliding his card across the counter.   The robot picked up the card. ...

Nature's Gavel

Author : David Kavanaugh “Your honor, counsel, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, good morning. Over the last two months, we have heard so many rambling excuses for the accused’s illegal activities, that I’m sure you’re feeling a little overwhelmed. So I want to take the final moments ...

Quintari At The End

Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer Quintari looked out the huge view screens at the inky night sky. The eight dying stars still visible to the naked lens were faint and alone against their velvet backdrop. She addressed her long time companion. “Ventry, do you recall the old sky, when ...

Copy and Paste

Author : Bob Newbell I slowly wake up. I'm in a hospital bed. An IV in my left antecubital vein slowly infuses normal saline. I feel like I need to urinate, but I have a suspicion. I look. Yep, Foley catheter in place. I smile. "One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind," I ...

Of Stars And Obscurity.

Author : Sevanaka It is an unnatural sensation. A man is meant to know - thoughts firmly grasped in hand. Oh, for the sweetness of emotion, the joy and sorrow and bubbling laughter and the deepest pits of despair. For the solid stoicism, the reassuring taste of logic and math and the ...


Author : Rob Sharp ‘I can’t believe you’re doing this. This is the greatest moment in human history and I’m missing it. I need to be let through!’ ‘I’m sorry sir, but you can’t come in,’ the Security Guard said. He stood firmly in front of a pair of heavy oak doors into the conference ...


Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer The post-incident review was in closed session and after the presiding officer read the first line of the bonded testimony, the session was restricted to herself and Brevet Captain Danyls alone. “We are in complete privacy, Danyls. Having read your ...

Illicit Consumption

Author : Bob Newbell The policeman and his young partner crouched down by the doors of the warehouse. Their night-vision contact lenses allowed them to see perfectly in the darkness. "You ready?" asked the older cop. "Ready," said the rookie. The veteran officer considered his ...

My Orbit is Not Done

Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer I’ve stabbed deep into the envelope around the white dwarf sun at the center of this solar system. My gravity repellers are maxed. I’ve skimmed the perihelion right in the onionskin. I came in at .75c and the slingshot here has nudged me just ...

Intentional Paradox

Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer The team signaled goodbye to the assembled early humans. The tribe of twenty-three men, woman and children stood there in their animal skins. Many of them held the new tools. All of them now held the knowledge that had been passed on to them in the ...

Two Graves

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer They say that a man who seeks revenge should dig two graves, one for his target and one for himself. I dug two hundred and seventy-nine. Into two hundred and thirty-seven of them I put all that remained of the inhabitants of my home town, Padgest. I ...

Three Blind Mice

Author : Bob Newbell The crew of the starship looked at the strange yellow star on the viewscreen. The interstellar vessel's enormous magsail was slowly decelerating the vehicle against the star's solar wind. Soon there would be a series of aerobraking maneuvers carried out ...

Of Quints and Quads

Author : Joshua Ginsberg Jeff sat at a circular table in the cafeteria, going through some of his data captures and interviews. It was an annual assignment – covering the oldest high school tactical combat drone rivalry in the country. Both schools had fallen to a Tier II ranking over ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer Images of lost socks at the bottom of wells. Trees of math and flesh jealousy cascading through a brain that had no awareness of what a human body felt like. Jeremy Carson was one of the smartest scientists on Earth and the corporation he ...


Author : Bob Newbell Officers Castillo and Thrin'Lar heard the terrorist screaming epithets at them both as he was escorted out of the courtroom. With court adjourned, the two LAPD officers who had testified against the man who was accused of bombing four different buildings ...

Never Going Home

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer “Tell the Charmian that we can see her.” “She refuses to believe us.” “Oh, for the love of Turing, she got out before sensor tutoring?” “Seems to be the case, sir.” The half-kilometre diameter of the moon Abaddon hangs in near space on ...

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