
Author : Jonas David Private Connor had been to brothels plenty of times on leave, but he’d never bothered to talk to any of the units before. Usually you gave the clerk your account, selected your model, got your rocks off and left. Done deal. But somehow this one had got in ...


Author : Andrew Bale Survey Ship Aldrin drifted softly through space, main jets silent while the steering and attitude thrusters pushed it gently through a seemingly empty patch of space. Weeks spent surveying an assigned sector rimward of Epsilon Eridani had come down to ...

Aether ex Machina

Author : Michael Iverson He was still seizing when the light hit his eyes. His head was pounding as he squeezed them shut, but it still tore into him, bright as the sun. His body was convulsing and his arms were trembling as he tried to hold onto himself. He wanted to lift ...

The Body Double

Author : Clint Wilson “We’re sorry but there’s no other way Mr. Dunbar. It’s a very rare and inoperable cancer. We absolutely must replicate you if you’re to see your children grow and have children of their own one day.” “Yes, yes, I know. You can stop saying it. I just ...

Cold Blooded Killers

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer The veins on the security chief’s cleanly shaven skull visibly throbbed in rhythm with his pounding heart. “Captain,” he protested, “our top priority should be to defend the station’s vital sections, not the habitat ring. If the aliens ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer I was sixteen when they came. They touched down in large ships all over earth, silently with no visible means of propulsion. Jagged, asymmetrical leviathans ridged with glowing seams and thousands of softly humming translucent spikes as ...

The Cutting Edge

Author : Waldo van der Waal I sat down heavily on the rickety chair at my console. A quick look towards my brother confirmed that he, too, was feeling the firm fingers of fatigue. Four straight days of coding will do that to you. Four straight days of inventing and shaping ...

Everywhere I Go

Author : Asher Wismer "When do you have to leave?" "Couple weeks." "Is it set in stone?" "You know I can't stay in one place for longer than a month. Guild rules." She lay quiet, pressed against him. "Maybe you could put in for a leave?" He pushed up one his arm, ...


Author : Julian Miles John was quite something to see when he got his threatening on. The bioluminescents lacing his body in intricate whorls and knotwork turned varying shades of red or white as his eyes darkened to black. The natives were terrified of him. Which was the ...

Break in Case of Emergency

Author : Michael Georgilis Always follow this rule: never go to a hospital. No exceptions. Heal as best you can if someone is hurt. Abandon someone who can't or won't move. Tell them this risk when they join you. Friends help you survive. People who endanger your ...


Author : Julian Miles I opened a channel to the Finnvael; “This is Handler Orchus, what is your intent within the Olympus Theocracy?” The long silver needle rotated itself rapidly to orient at least nine firepoints on me. Well, that was a clue. “Orchus, this is Captain ...

A Test of Humanity

Author : Charley Daveler Ron electrocuted himself. A surging pain, followed by numbness, shot up from the red wire through his arm. He slammed the torso closed, using such force that even the robot knew anger was involved. The man’s face softened as he looked to the little ...

I Want To Go

Author : Timothy Marshal-Nichols

“I haven't time,” Ujala said, “where is it?”

She set the House Bot on the kitchen table and stared at it intently. It looked like a small upside down metallic tea cup, pure white and hovering millimetres above the perfectly smooth table ...

The County Agents

Author : Eric L. Sofer Gwen and Naomi came in from the vegetable field and sat down with two large cold iced teas in Naomi’s parlor. “Naomi, I’m so glad to see you and your neighbors doing so well after the Great War! When our supplies ran out in the Survival Vault and we ...

Your Child in Space

Author : Alia Gee While the care and feeding of your child in ideal non-planet-dependent conditions has already been covered in Dr. Krugheimer’s “Happiest Baby on the Space Station” holoseries, I feel it is important not to neglect those new parents who are in more extreme ...

Oversight Governance

Author : Martin Sumner The matter of the Checks & Balances Office in dispute with Collins-Chapter was ordered onto the Administrative Ladder to be passed up to State Query. Deputy van Aerts stamped the case file, the Oversight Governor-General struck his gavel and signed ...

Last Wishes of Customer 593

Author : K. J. Russell A Somme Corp. product designated Android 593 walked through the rain along Intercontinental Freeway 7 at precisely 1:25:42am. 1:25:43am. 1:25:44am. The Android’s connection to Somme Corp. provided it with a translocation sense that guided it along until ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer Blood dripped off of its thick horns under the arena lights. On the ground beside him were the bodies of the six last tigers from Earth. There were deep slashes over his torso that were already scabbing over thanks to the gladiator ...

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