
Author : TJMoore I'm starting to get a little worried now. Some more kids stopped by to visit Adrian today. At first it was just his friends, kids that I know and have met before. Now, it seems like every teenager in the county is stopping by. Almost as troubling is the ...

Curtain Call for Feeling

Author : Jack Barton ‘Joy, joy, I wish joy to you all.’ Karl raised his arms as he addressed the crowd. ‘And joy is what you shall have, if you can accept it.’ Beaming, he eyed the hesitant audience. It wasn’t just junkies and religious zealots anymore; there were businessmen ...

Activation Required

Author : Donald O'Barra “You’re so full of shit, Barry,” said Kent. “No, I’m serious. I was reading about gene activation. They’ve managed to wake up really old genes in lab mice. What if humans thousands of years ago all had superpowers? What if they could fly or something ...


Author : David Barber The woman sitting the other side of the table is Jan Fierro, the Department chief. We've never talked much, I mean, I’m just a jack aren’t I? Though once I photoshopped a great nude pinup of her and posted it in the men's changing room as a joke. I never ...


Author : Autumn Humphrey A dog barks rhythmically in the distance, its voice distorted by the noise of the world, sounding a desperate call of, “Come here! Come here!” It has been this way since the revolution, odd sounds ringing out, confirming things are not the same, a ...

Bug-Eyed Monsters

Author : Bob Newbell The captain repeatedly tapped his mesothoracic exoskeleton contemplatively and looked out the main viewport at the blue and white planet below. Two-thirds of the surface was underwater and its atmosphere was over 20 percent oxygen. How could life, let ...


Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer “Sarge, that’s illegal, isn’t it?” “Yes Jim, completely against the rules of engagement.” “So we can complain?” “Hell yes, son. I’m sure the Captain will be right on the blower to the moderators as soon as the opposition finish killing ...

Whipped Cream

Author : Thomas Desrochers Ellie's leg was broken. They couldn't run any more. Andre gently eased her up against a grimy brick wall, trying to ignore the grimace of pain cracking across her porcelain face. “It's going to be alright, love,” he whispered. “It's going to be ...


Author : Daniel M. Bensen Flaming debris rained over Warsaw. "We got another one," Specialist first rank Donaldson sat back in his chair and sighed happily at the red fireball against the blue sky. "Its over non-US territory, but we shot it before the Russians, so we'll get ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer The pins and needles stopped caressing her body. Her muscles twitched to life as she took her first gasping steps out of the cryotube and lit a cigarette from the pack beside her clothes. She tossed back the two whiskey shots provided by ...

Union Blues

Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer "That suit's not safe on my dock," the voice boomed across the row of vacant lifter pads to the mezzanine, "who gave you clearance to come out here?" Horik's visor was up, the bulky exo-suit exaggerating his movements as he marched across ...

Anchoring Shot

Author : Ian Hill, of 14 The crimson clothed hunter stood leaning against a large boulder smoking a cigar lazily, his pointed brown fedora angled towards the ground to ward off any unnecessary light. His outfit was a mismatched black and red military formal with large collars ...

Make a Dog Mean

Author : Jason Frank Breikf was heading back with a fresh beer and he looked over where they had the lead space man all trussed up so anybody wanted could get a kick in. Everybody got in a bunch, looked like. Breikf sure had, but just then something in the cool of the evening ...

Shore Leave

Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer Shore leave at last! Ensign Pull Crimson was wide-eyed as he made his way through the dirty bustling streets of Port Tidaria. Thousands of aliens, both humanoid and otherwise shaped, filed past the endless teahouses, massage parlors and ...

Dispatch Runner

Author : Bob Newbell A thin cloud of red dust trailed behind Orton's motorcycle. I'm running out of time, he thought to himself as he rode across Cydonia Mensae. The temperature was already down to -40 degrees Celsius and continued steadily dropping. The sun would be setting ...

Condemned to Repeat History

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer Shortly after 13:30 on 11 April 2112, the HMTS Temporal Voyager left Roches Point in Ireland. Its mission: to resolve some unanswered questions concerning the sinking of the RMS Titanic. “Time flows like a river,” lectured Dr. ...

Dots in the Sky

Author : Drew Dunlap My phone would vibrate approximately every fifteen to twenty minutes. “Hey bro, there’s a celestial event going on,” said a friend. “Can you see it from your place?” asked another. “Heaven’s Veil is tonight!!!!!!!” buzzed a text. You get the ...

The Space Fold Drive

Author : Bob Newbell Dr. José Zhang gently rotated an 800 credit bottle of champagne in a bucket of ice. The price of champagne had skyrocketed in the last several weeks in anticipation of the completion of Project Hermes. Zhang's colleague, Dr. Ian Bartlett, looked at the ...

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