Ice in the Wind

Author : Dan Whitley A ghastly wrenching sound drummed the ship from outside. Another loose bit of hull or outboard instrument had torn away. It flapped off into the distance, carried on the frigid blizzard of an alien world. “Would you stop fidgeting?” Petra shot a baleful ...

The Last Temptation of CR-1.57

Author : Dan Whitley The natives prostrate me over a disused shipping crate in their temple and begin their ritual. They flog me with ancient braided industrial cables that have hung from the temple walls for centuries, awaiting this day and this purpose. The temple sits in ...


Author : Bob Newbell Ship's log, Cycle 6944, Subcycle 3, Captain Zeus commanding. The Olympia's A.I. has performed an emergency biometamorphosis on the crew who were all in stasis at the time of the transrelativistic drive malfunction. The A.I. was able to get the ship back into ...


Author : Thomas Desrochers A little girl runs down the street in her bare feet, her vivid orange skirt prancing through the air behind her all the way. She is young, barely six, and more full of life because of it. She loves the flowers in her mama's garden, the cookies that ...


Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer In Marco's experience, most catastrophic events start with a simple accident. This evening it was fatigue and hyperfocus, coupled with hot coffee and a snagged lab-coat sleeve. And the nanos. Marco's stool, momentarily balanced on two legs ...

In The Kingdom of the Gods

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer “Well, there it is Brothergod,” said Sistergod enthusiastically, “the space probe Voyager crossed the boundary of their solar system. By My reckoning, they did it in less than 20 revolutions around the galactic core. Therefore, I win ...

No One Was To Be Lonely Ever Again

Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer “Good evening sir, would you care for a bedtime companion?” Jenkins looked tiredly from the edge of his luxury mattress toward the glowing wall console. “I dunno, lemme have a look I guess.” Without answering, the household central ...

Train Train

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer Thundering down the kaleidoscopic tunnel at point four light and all’s well. Got a cold vodka sliding down to join the steak and chips delivered from the catering car as I look over to where old Max is interfaced to the drive arrays. The ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer The priest wheezed on the other side of the confessional screen. It wasn’t uncommon. Cryogenia malathusmia. Freezer lung, we called it. Or the holy cough. Most people that traveled by cryo in the sleepships ended up with it. That meant ...

Heat Sink

Author : Aldous Mercer Septu’s core-temperature rises as soon as he steps out of the wind. But he keeps his eyes to the ground. The trembling of his father’s hand has nothing to do with the heat and everything to do with gathering other Master-Miners every sevenday. "Greet ...


Author : Dan Whitley My people called me a fool. They said it was impossible to leave the surface. That was why no beasts flew through the air. It mattered not if I could imagine a machine that could. My people offered me hollow aphorisms; what goes up must come down. My ...

Veni, Vidi, Victus sum

Author : Bob Newbell The Shallivak landing craft detached itself from its mothership and began its descent into Earth's atmosphere. Turrox, Subjugator of the Jor'demm Empire, Conqueror of the Rinnt Confederation, Destroyer of the Hegemony of the Hyojexxi Star System, Absolute ...

One Way Mission

Author : Darrin Drader I remember giving her one last kiss as I prepared to step into the elevator that led to the nine-stage rocket. “Please, don’t do this,” she said. “I love you.” I remembered laying out in the lawn looking up into the stars of the night sky as a child. ...

Run Like Hell

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer How does hell run? If it’s moving as fast as your legs can carry you without thought for obstacles or turns, then I’m doing it. Bruised from hitting lamp posts, walls and other things that help you turn at full pelt. I’m bleeding and ...

Stop The Senseless Killing

Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer The chancellor stood at the front of the room and cleared his throat. The grand science delegation from all corners of the planet gathered before him and awaited his words. “Despite all our efforts at rectifying the situation The Almighty ...


Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer The Captain stood just inside the doorway of the hut, regarding with amusement the figure sitting in the lotus position in the middle of the room. "It's over Thomas, we've come to take you back." The Captain scuffed his boot on the unusual ...


Author : Sheldon Kent Stepping out into the street, Stan looked up and closed his eyes as he felt the warm rays of the sun fall upon his face. It’s not as hot here as it is back on Earth, but he liked it that way. It had been nine months since he first arrived on Coson, and ...

Con Man

Author : Regina Clarke “Look. Here’s the deal. It’s a no-brainer. I do all the hard work. All you have to do is wait for my signal and then press this button to start the accelerator.” The old man listening had a worried expression on his face. “What if nothing ...

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