Insect Hamlet

Author: David Barber Insect morals, insect politics, insect Hamlet. Some notions do not translate well. Jomo had hired a theatre for the Jirt Princess. She, her human guide and her security swarm would be the only audience. They had to walk a short distance as there ...

Spontaneous Human Combustion and a Cat

Author: Hari Navarro, Staff Writer A man far younger than his face sits in mist heavy clothes beneath the pulse of a cash-machine and asks you if what I am saying is a science fiction story or not? It’s not. It’s not. Rest easy. Science and fiction have not but one ...

Nothing Special

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer The man makes his way down the street with care. It’s the care of old age, where a misstep could lead to a fall. As I get closer, I see it’s also wariness. This man doesn’t trust the things about him. Up close, I see he’s not that old. He ...

Until the Sun Burns Out

Author: Mina Rozario I am lying on a sandy beach nestled somewhere in the arm of a spiral galaxy. Myriad stars loom above, mocking. /Always moping/, I hear Rania’s voice echo. /As if it’s that bad being the last human in existence—look at all the space you now ...


Author: Ruby Zehnder Dord was burning at both ends. "Quit flaming so much," his mother warned. "You're gonna go solid." Dord ignored her. He was young and full of energy. And besides, this whole solid thing. It was just something old flamers made up to scare the ...

Round and Round

Author: Riley Meachem The day I finally had enough of it all, I hiked with my rifle all the way to the old amusement park, shooting any of the slow-creatures I encountered. By this point, their faces had mostly been subsumed by the spores, so it was easy to separate them ...

Holding on to Anger

Author: Shelly Jones It had been easy to crush the pills, sprinkling them over his pasta like parmesan. She had been surprised how easy: that he hadn’t noticed, that she felt nothing as he nodded off after dinner, collapsing on the couch, eyelids heavy, muscles limp. Still, ...

Arkham Revisited

Author: Cesium The stone fell to earth some distance west of the city, in the grassy valley of a stream running between two hills, and it remained undiscovered for several days. Once news had filtered up to the university, an expedition was dispatched to investigate the ...

Meat Console

Author: Hari Navarro, Staff Writer I walk into this thing. The big ugly sign calls it a private bar and it smells like badly washed groin and fizzing plastic. The wound on my shoulder and the one at the back of my right eye pulse and I unintentionally lean forward and ...


Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer The grey muffling my senses relinquishes it’s hold. I find myself lying in the same chair I sat down in. I’m in the same clothes. My digital chronograph tells me eight seconds have passed. I look to my other wrist. The vintage analogue ...

Completely. Totally. Utterly.

Author: A.M. Miles Somewhere in the Amazon Desert, a cactus bloomed in a fractured riverbed. Cara couldn’t take her eyes off it. Vibrant, cool pink in a sea of dead, ruined red. A single flower with head held high to the raging sun, defiant and unapologetic. She ran her ...

Mr. Adequate

Author: David Henson Tilson Henderson gets out of bed and realizes his back’s not stiff. Hasn’t happened since he stopped doing the exercises his chiropractor prescribed. He feels so vigorous, he joins his wife, Gloria, in the shower. Been a while for that, too. Late ...


Author: Kiel M. Gregory I live in a world where most things move too fast or not at all. Molasses or honey like water. Lives. I’m thinking more of others and less of myself and I think that’s precisely where this all started to go wrong. What’s the point of doing ...


Author: VH Ferguson There's a lick of wind that curls around me like satin ribbons, softly against my skin, in my hair. The view is unparalleled, out of this world. The cliffs to the north west are a grey almost blushing pink, and make companion with the sapphire of the ...


Author: Chana Kohl People think the Moon is a tranquil place. I suppose that’s the impression one gets seeing the silvertone reflections of its hauntingly barren expanse from Earth. In reality, it is a painstaking maze of rugged terrain and deep crater mounds, open mouths ...


Author: Hari Navarro, Staff Writer The thing walked the moons acid shore and it pissed. It did it because the alcohol that was within was knocking to get out and it was sad. So sad. So much that it then hardened and, well, then a bead of clear honesty seeped into and ...

Hodgeson Creek

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer My name was Walt. I hunted. Drank beer. Drove a truck. Met my wife, May, skinny dipping down at Hodgeson Creek. We married. Had kids. Lost two sons to wars in foreign countries. Lost a daughter to a war in another state. My other son, ...

Neither a Borrower

Author: Rick Tobin “In regione caecorum rex est luscus.” Captain Robert Cunningham screamed at his weasel-faced brother-in-law, grasping Milo’s uniform tight against his scrawny pale neck, slamming him against their spaceship’s bridge wall. “You assaulted the sleeping ...

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