
Author : Richard Day Gore “Lover, question the Question.” My Karala was like that. She spoke in riddles. Her thoughts were a maze designed so that only she could extract their meaning. But she was no match for the Gods, and their voracious hunger for our gold. Why do the Gods need ...

Flotsam and Jetsam

Author : Terry J. Golob Completely naked, sinking slowly into the murky depths, I know these things: One. Our attack failed. Two. I am a prisoner of the Katal-Kuar-Eye. Three. The tiny dead things floating in here with me, that wispy strand of flotsam, that bony crag of jetsam, ...

Siege of Taurus

Author : Michael F. da Silva The siege lasted two years and we were about ready to throw in the towel by then. We had no air support, had been pushed back to the fortified bunkers all the way from the enemy's beachheads and under heavy shelling. It was taking a toll on our morale. Not ...


Author : Lucy Mihajlich I thought there was a grace period. That’s what you think. You miss a payment, and you get different colored emails for a few weeks before the repo man comes. Turns out that’s a load of trollshit. The repo man came one day after my bill was due. I didn’t even ...


Author : K.L. Kelso I first noticed the owl while I was out chopping wood. Slowly, it circled overhead. It's movements seemed odd. Not quite natural. I continued working and watched the strange creature from the corner of my eye. I could not let on what I suspected. Eventually, the ...


Author : Suzanne Borchers Jem stood at attention along with the other retiring service veterans. Within her crisp uniform, she was already contemplating a civilian future. First, she would strip off the war and its memories to wear the newest natural fabric covered with huge colorful ...

He Ain’t Heavy

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer There’s a spade stuck in a pile of earth, and Harry would want it so. We’ll not disturb it, letting wild plants grow and moss run riot. He loved digging. Said it made a man of him when he first did it in the trenches, and lamented the fact that ...

Machine Politics

Author : Bob Newbell The machine walked into the office and bowed politely to the man behind the desk. The man did not invite his mechanical guest to take a seat. "Senator Collins, I want to thank you for seeing me. I'm aware that you don't have a very high opinion of my kind and your ...

Eight Minutes

Author : Jonathan K. Harline Darkness, and then the roar of the Earth being torn into dust. I wake up sweating and panting every time. I spend the whole first minute catching my breath, heart racing and mind stalled from panic. At the second minute I look out my window, at the Sun as ...

The Blue Hour

Author : Tyra Tanner It is the blue hour. That space between twilight and full dark when night’s silhouettes press flat against the horizon. Pines stretch their jagged limbs blackly above eye level, like a claw-marked rip in the canvas of the coming night. Sometimes, at this hour, ...

The Memory Hunter

Author : Kate Runnels Emi always looked them in the eyes - the poets knew them as the gateways to the soul - even though she plugged in and dove their mind. Dove their cybernetic link and into the electronic pathways. She always looked them in the eyes. There were green eyes with ...

That Would Have Been Wrong

Author : John Tippett Helen and James Abernathy exchanged an incredulous glance as the reporter on the car radio began to lose her composure. “Turn it up”. James complied. “...must recognize that early reports during a crisis are often incorrect.”, the clearly shaken announcer ...

All New Food is Gross

Author : Sharon Molloy “That’s the surprise, Daddy?” A family of four stood in the restaurant lobby, watching unfamiliar shapes moving in a huge tank. They’re staring at me!” “No, they’re not. They don’t have eyelids.” “They have too many legs.” “Those aren’t legs, and they ...


Author : Bob Newbell I'm going to die here, thought Or'Vykl to himself. Or'Vykl stared out through the visor in his helmet at what had been a residential suburb of Birmingham, Alabama. The area showed little evidence of the orbital bombardment that had fallen upon more strategically ...

Silent Scream

Author : J.D. Rice Her mouth opens wide, eyes squeezed shut in a show of agony, teeth bared, then suddenly comes to a stop. The moment of her death slows to a crawl, like time itself is standing still. They say this is what it's like to see someone die. Everything just slows down as ...


Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer Sarraled stared through the viewport as the lander spiralled down through the thin atmosphere. “Looks like this place was inhabited.” The pilot nodded: “They died out just before we established the base. Sad, really.” “That good?” “Yes. ...


Author : Edward D. Thompson (edacious) Erica poured her first cup of the morning, missing the friendly hum of greeting the coffee pot used to make. The day had begun with such a homey feel then. The crackle of the toaster, the busy hum and whine of the microwave, the steady, reliable ...

Growth Industry

Author : Rick Tobin “Hey, Doc. How’s it going?” Mike Compton, freshly tanned, popped his head into the geneticist’s offices. His counselor remained seated, turned toward the window overlooking the campus quad featuring coeds being tempted to indecency on manicured lawns by the early ...

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