
Author: David Henson As I’m looking for cheddar, I notice a Chamenileon drop a dozen eggs to the floor. Sobbing and turning blue, he puts the yolk-dripping carton in his cart and heads for the front of the store. I haven’t liked nor trusted the Chamenileons since we let ...

Patient Y

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer They’re on to me. Not bad. Three continents, sixteen countries, four passports, and two illegal border crossings later, the one scientist shouting about me has, finally, received a fair hearing. Way to go, Gerald. I hope it makes your ...


Author: Steven Zeldin Part of me is missing. My friends, my family, they try to poke fun at it to improve my mood. Yet something that was attached to me—that was me—is now an object sitting and rotting out there in the world. I must replace that part of myself. I have ...

The Miner and the Medic

Author: Veronique Aglat Devo was in bad shape. Red oil flowed freely from his arm implant. Lena reached into her bag and extracted a fat little jar with a screw top. She pulled her patient under a giant bamboo leaf. It would have to do. Hopefully, the drones wouldn’t spot ...

Close Encounters with an Ex lover

Author: Riley Meachem “Come over this instant!” That was all the message said. Henry didn’t know what to do with it. He stared at it for a moment, with a certain, deducing distance. He hadn’t been in contact with this woman for over a year now. That’s a long time to go ...

Gravedirt Under The Fingernails

Author: David Barber "Hurry, Igor!" called Miss Frankenstein. Outside, the electrical storm drew closer, and thunder rumbled over the thrashing treetops to the south. Everything now depended on snatching lightning from the skies. A month of unseasonable fine weather had ...


Author: B.W. Carter She knew he’d really been thinking about this one. They’d made their way across campus to the shop and he was still on the conversation started back in the classroom. She let him keep talking. And he did, as they wended through the crowd to a table by ...

Make A Wish

Author: Steve Smith, Staff Writer Sven had been driven out of Newport City and into the stars with a warning. "If you ever plan on landing Earthside again, you'd better bring enough money to clear your debt in full, with interest, or you'll be flayed and spread along the ...

New Record

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer The valley is smoking, trees nothing but scorched gravestones for the life they once sheltered. The farmland around here used to be really scenic, but the only tourists today are the subject of my little excursion. “Good morning, ...

The Crime of the Future

Author: Riley Meachem “You eat before you got here? Because, not to be gross, but this is a fuckin mess.” “I’ve seen worse.” Catalonia whistfully gave the cul-de-sac a once over. “He staged the killing in the middle of his own private amphitheatre. A downtown cul de sac, ...


Author: David Barber In 1969 the Canaveral Timeport was brand-new. The future had come to meet us and everything was possible. This is the Chronos Tavern, with its much-polished wooden bar, a dozen booths, subdued lighting, and no hint of clocks, hourglasses or ...

Home Team

Author: Steven Zeldin My grandfather hated the Buffalo Bills. In 2019, when Harrison Phillips tore his ACL for the second time, I remember him partying. Friends drove in from across Philly—all toting bags of beer and food, all in full Eagles regalia. That was the first ...

All Along The Songlines

Author: Timothy Goss He was sitting in a wet towel when the phone bleeped. It was late, too late for good news. Poullis’ voice cracked as she spoke, “They’re asking for you.” she said and fell silent. His calender was cleared. His diary emptied. A damp towel lay on the ...

Limb Regeneration Therapy

Author: Uchechukwu Nwaka “What makes you think they’ll take my case here, Mama?” Aki’s fingers are clutched tightly over the blanket that wraps his shriveled legs. I take his hands in mine and squeeze. The air-conditioning is a few degrees too warm and I don’t want Aki ...


Author: Andrew Schoen I careen through empty space—somersaulting past the stars. The background of darkness, luminously pinpricked by distant suns, suddenly becomes still. A white flash of light fills my field of vision, jolting me out of this existence. I wake up to the ...

Time Scars

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer “Here goes nothing.” I always thought being stuck in a time loop would be fun. It’s what started me on the scientific path that led to my current state: Professor Emeritus Epa Shadel, prodigy and teen superstar turned hardworking genius ...

Soft Feelings

Author: Mary-Wren Ritchie My gut alerts me with a plague of insects in my head and a whirlpool cascading waves through my phalanges. But I’m already on the spacepod and I feel the shape of Gemini projected onto my scales. I meet the constellation arrangement of the ...


Author: Ruby Zehnder "So, Irvin says to me, Martha, you know there's still a few bites of chocolate cake with the cool whip frosting you love in the fridge." "Are you sure it was Irvin speaking to you?" the doc asked. "Of course it was. Who else would be speaking to me in ...

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