Ancient Defenses

Author : Jules Jensen His sword vibrated painfully when it made contact with the thick-skinned creature that towered over him. It clawed at him with a hand large enough to engulf his whole body if he let it. He dodged to the side as the creature lunged again, huge black ...

That Final Twilight

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer “What is that which burns like the star had a child?” “Terra of Sol Three, my bairn. Its residents called it ‘Earth’. It was beautiful.” “Why does it burn, pata?” “They had the war they said they’d never have.” “That seems ...

Weapon of Mass Discussion

Author : David Henson "Sign here, human, to give us permission." A titanium alloy finger taps the document they've put in front of me. Here we go. "Permission?" "Yes, just sign here." Tap. I look over the paper, but everything is written in robotistic lingo I can't ...

My One Complaint

Author : Samuel Stapleton I get very tired of the color blue. But other than that, I have no complaints. Well okay. One. I work on a synthetic farm you see. A portable pod anchored in the ocean. The company grows synth plankton, krill, shrimp, crabs, fish, and even a ...

To be Human

Author : Samuel Stapleton “Hey Doc,” I said as I leaned into the recliner. “Ian, so good to see you again. I hope everything is relatively okay. Why am I seeing you today?” She said softly. “Straight to the point, huh?” “You and I know each other well enough, I ...

The Hephaestus Trials

Author : C. James Darrow “If you think you are ready for this race, I assure you—you are not.” That had been the first thing out of the host’s mouth in quite some time since they arrived planet-side. But now the cameras were rolling and his charisma resurfaced in the ...

Higher Thought

Author : B.York, Founding Writer Knowledge is power. Carved into the stone next to her in an elegant font as Maisy slumped back against the structure to catch her breath. Salty tears drew down her cheeks. She stretched out her hands and observed the fingers ...


Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer Nikki sat on the edge of the bed. The neon flicker from the motel sign outside bathed the room in intermittent blue through the thin fabric of the curtains. The girl behind her stirred, then rolled towards her and curled almost fetal ...

Targalla Wills

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer Ninety-eight gazillion miles from anywhere I want to be and some teenage alley-captain and his squad manages to get the drop on me. That’ll teach me for daydreaming about places I’d rather be. “Well, now, what do we have here?” Oh, ...

Wilder Rides

Author : M. Irene Hill Declinism is the belief that society is declining or otherwise falling apart. It is the predisposition for people to view the past favorably, through rose-colored lenses, and to regard the future in a negative light. Many seek to relive the good ol' ...

Issa’s Revenge

Author : Kate Runnels Torque stood before the captured pirates, a few years older, in their late teens. What daring to try and capture an airship. And Torque had stopped it. Oh, how they glowered at her. But they were chained together, hobbled and Captain Makoto sent them ...

Let Him Down Easy

Author : Eva Schultz To: John ( From: Alison ( August 23, 2079 at 9:14 p.m. Dear John: I don’t know how to do this except to just come out and say it. I’m so sorry, but it’s time for us to break up. I’ve met someone. ...

Decisions, decisions, decsions²

Author : David C. Nutt The notice hit Carlton just as he was about to base-jump off el Capitan. He tried to ignore it, but each time the simulation got to the jump point it wouldn’t let him go any farther. Carlton sighed, “Fine.” He took himself out of the jump line and sat ...

The Ultimate Prison

Author : Beck Dacus “It says here you’ve been experiencing depression, Nathan,” Dr. Krosett said. “Can you tell me more?” “Okay,” RX-1017 said. “I just have this negative feeling all the time. It’s almost like a voice, telling me I’m doing something bad. That it… needs ...

Tourney of Dominance

Author : Dylan Otto Krider Qualifications for the office of Head Chieftain were demonstrated by the battle of wills: Each was given a vehicle of equal weight so they could drive headlong toward each other; the one who didn’t swerve was chieftain. A head-on smash prompted a ...

Crush Test

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer The bridge is quiet. That special kind of quiet when everyone is busily engaged in not paying attention to something. In this case, it’s the trio who stand in a tight group to the left of the command chair. “I didn’t mean it like ...


Author : David Henson Bridget goes to the DBG keyscreen in the kitchen, taps in a detailed proposal for Frank and her to host Clarise Jenkins and Tremont West for dinner, then hits SEND. "Please specify reason for engagement" appears on screen. Bridget rolls her eyes ...

The Press-Conference of Dr Moreau

Author : David Barber "Yes," answered Moreau. "A landmark legal verdict." Absently he trailed a fingertip between the vorpal racer's eye-nacelles and down the streamlined wedge of her face. They had opened windows but the crowded room still sweltered beneath the lights. ...

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