Memories, Light the Corners of our Minds

Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer Lucas Three sat in the coffee shop long after she left, long after the people that had watched the scene play out had moved on. He sat for hours after she'd calmly, mercilessly ended their three year relationship with a calculated precision ...

What's in a name?

Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer Yes, the aliens were invasive. Savagely invasive. But how could we blame them? We were a treasure trove to them. The aliens had no name of their own, you see. As a warrior race, they let the planets they invaded name them. As they took planet ...

How to Fly A Spaceship

Author : Andrew Hollis The manual had been totally inadequate. For a start the Chinglish translation was hopelessly out of date, there were archaic digiverbs in it that must have been superseded at least three authorisations ago. Of course flight inexperience would be no excuse, ...

Clockwork Heartbreak

Author : Glen Luke Flanagan Click, whir, grind. Melvin's movements were always accompanied by this sequence of sounds. His jeweled clockwork joints moved with a decidedly inhuman precision, but his troubled face wore the mask of a truly desperate man. “What is love?” he asked, while ...

The Drifter

Author : Tony Taylor Out here things make sense. The only thing I see is the glitter of stars beyond my visor. My breath is loud in my ears, rhythmic and soothing. No longer do I hear that infernal whine. No more of the yelling. When I’m alone things are so much easier. There are ...

A Long Way Home

Author : Ellen Ahlness “We’re entering the closest point of the arc,” Yeltsin calls. “Fourty rels now!” We all take our positions, Marko, Kovsky and I. Marta’s already been at her place since we got in range of the Planet. Earth. It’s such a strange word, tingly and rough on my ...

Room 101

Author : Jonathan VanDyke With a rush, the ground was beneath me. The blacktop was cold, wet, and unforgiving. I pulled my jacket close. I was sure I looked ridiculous. We'd comprised my outfit from old pictures of the times. Leather jacket with a sheep skin collar, flannel shirt, ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer We meet every six years. The project churned out over two hundred of us. When they ordered us terminated, twelve of us escaped. There are eight of us left. The government made a Superman straight out of the comic books back in 1952 but you know ...

A Mind of My Own

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer They never understood how I could be so smart when it came to food. Of course, when I was rushed into hospital and they found Deke, it all came out. He’d started out as one of the things that lives in our guts, but he either evolved or was a mutant ...

Tick, Tock in the Candlelight

Author : Dakota Brown Silence. The familiarity of it comforted her, but her mind was busy with preparation. The lights had gone out in a moment, the fluorescent image of the room around her burned into her eyes. The radio had ceased the peppy tunes of bands long disbanded and ...

The Feeler

Author : Willis Weatherford “Mr. Lengua.” The man Nathan knew only as ‘the Agent’ paused a long moment in his crisp black suit before continuing. “Do you know why you’re here?” “No. I don’t know where ‘here’ is, either. Nor who you are, where I am am, nor why,” Nathan Lengua said, and ...

Be Yourself

Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer At first many were skeptical about teleportation but nowadays more and more were doing it all the time. I still took the bus. Riding along I had my choice of seats. So few utilized old mode transportation now. Some called us superstitious, while I ...

The Weapon

Author : Stefan Aeschbacher The ancient city had been buried for over five thousand years. The digbots were digging at this spot for two hours, fifteen minutes and thirty-five seconds. They were making good progress. So far they had found three plates and a container of unknown ...

A Simple Lament

Author : Andrew D. Murrell I awoke. I could still feel the remnants of foreign thoughts gently receding from my consciousness. Then I felt today's check deposit into my account, twenty one thousand dollars. Minimum wage jobs just don't pay like they used to do they? I waited to feel ...

One for the Team

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer One world. Seven hundred and ninety-two people. Less than a hundred berths on the ship out. It’s a recipe for bloody mayhem and that’s how they want it. Only the most committed make it to upship. We did basic training for five weeks before being ...

They didn’t think about that…

Author : Stivi Cooke They didn’t think about that… In all the plans, all the awesome designs, the mind blowing concepts, all the calculations, the deals, the engineering and finally the launch… they forgot that part… As humanity reached out to the planets and the asteroids, landed ...

Morbid Fear

Author : Denis Bell Morbid fear, for God’s sake. Driving home from the shrink, Hugh turned on the car radio in an attempt to blot out the thoughts churning in his head. The radio was tuned to WPB. It was Science Monday and they were discussing Hugh’s least favorite subject in the whole ...

Skull Bound For Glory

Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer He scanned the desolate horizon through ancient hollow eyes from beneath the brim of a very weathered top hat. All around him was the smoldering ruin that had once been the world of man. Endless heaps of scorched garbage and piles of twisted and ...

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