
Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer

Lieutenant Bensen's neck snapped in my strong hands with a crack and a gurgle. Her surprised eyes goggled up at me as her body went limp. Corporal Manciewicz lay behind me in pieces already while the happy captain himself, mister high-and-mighty ...

Natural Progression

Author : Todd Keisling, featured writer Jimmy lost his pinky finger today. I can't wait 'til I lose mine. Mommy says it's gonna happen sooner or later. Sometimes I daydream about it—what it'd be like to lose my arm, my foot, my fingers and hands. The kids at school, Billy Zemicks ...

Time Enough for a Wedding

Author : Grady Hendrix

...and he suddenly wakes up with a start. The light was all wrong, a brief nap shouldn’t have taken this – 5:45! Oh, god. Oh, no. Why hadn’t his alarm clock gone off? Eric squeezed his forehead in his hands and made a high-pitched sound: he had slept ...


Author : Kathy Kachelries, Staff Writer "You won't like it there," Rajani's brother said. "People go crazy like that, so far from the sun. There's science behind it. I saw it on the forums." Sam's avatar hung on the screen throughout the call: himself at twenty-one, tanned and ...


Author : Todd Keisling, featured writer My brother used to tell me about the glory days, when the Government was less unified and there was more than a single state. Usually what he told me went along with what they taught us at the Academy in history class, but sometimes he'd add ...

The Forsaken

Author : Debbie Mac Rory

We have no choice, they said. We have to leave. We don’t know where we can go, or even if we can survive out there, but we can’t live here any longer. But there isn’t enough room here for all of us.

And then it became clear that the “we” ...


Author : TJMoore

The path to the discovery of intelligent non-human life was, for me, a life's journey. SETI had invested billions in high tech telescopes and antenna arrays, thousands of personnel hours and miles of red tape, without a single positive result. I had done it at the ...


Author : Viktor Kuprin

Any starship could request a flyby. Popik received them all the time from the Customs Patrols and the Space Force when they needed to eyeball our ship. If they wanted a bribe that day, they'd come aboard Popik's old Mod One. He would shake hands with the ...

Time Enough for Twilight

Author : Todd Keisling, featured writer Mr. Serling entered the cafe and took a seat at the bar. He ordered the lunch special which, for that day, was a bowl of vegetable soup, carrot sticks and a peanut butter sandwich. His arrival did not go unnoticed. Rob watched from his booth ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer

Annette sways forward and for a second it’s like there’s no bonesetter in her bloodstream. She’s languid again. Graceful and alive. Pre-soldier.

We’re friends. That’s hard to come by this far out in the rings. Most of the ...

In the Eye of the Beholder

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer

My head was throbbing. I pinched the bridge of my nose in an attempt to ease the pain. It didn't help. "Try rubbing your temples. That seems to work for me," suggested a gravelly voice to my right. Prior to that instant, I didn't know ...

The Collector

Author : Todd Keisling, featured writer It's the smell that gets to me. Agent Lennox ducks his head out from the kitchen just in time to watch me vomit into the hall. "You okay, Church?" "Yeah," I tell him. "Just peachy-keen." The smell is that of burning meat Inside the kitchen ...

Time Assassin

Author : Daniel Rosenblum

“This wasn’t what I expected the past to be like.”

I looked around warily, absorbing the unfamiliar sights. I was alone in a rotund, palatial chamber, standing at the center beneath a sweeping ceiling supported by ornate columns. Yellow ...

Amateur Historian

Author : Robert Niescier

“Why do you keep writing in there?”

He looked up and into her eyes, through steam shaded orange from the bonfire’s glow, and smiled. “It’s so people, future people, remember everything we went through. So we don’t get lost as just two ...


Author : Debbie Mac Rory

My knee is still bleeding from the last time I fell and my trousers keep sticking to them, bringing forth fresh darts of pain. But I’m too scared to use my torch here. I’ve already been stopped by two division patrols on my way here; I guess my research ...

Level Seven

Author : Todd Keisling, featured writer Dr. Watson and Dr. Blair watched as the orderlies interned the patient in observation room three. Dr. Blair scratched absently at the back of his hand. "So," Dr. Watson said, "what's his story?" He gestured to the nameless patient in the ...

Let Him Dangle

Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer It's a strange thing, knowing exactly when you're going to die. Luther had become accustomed to the idea; the arrest, the charge of treason. He knew it was a death sentence the moment they'd kicked down his door. He was surprised only at how easily ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer

It was always slightly embarrassing for me to watch Jarima try to pick up a guy.

She had a bodybuilder’s physique. She had a wide rubbery mouth and a strong jaw. She had bright red hair kept short. A little spray of freckles danced ...

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