Ancient History

Author : Subsplot Alex carefully swung his arms back, making sure he kept his posture right and his hips level. The head of the gold club reached past its apex, and then smoothly but with some force he brought it back in a graceful arc that lifted the ball cleanly of it it's ...

The Jump

Author : Apollyn So here we are. You and I on the verge of time. Ready to bungee jump right off the scariest edge my eyes have seen. I’ve done this and yet I am this close to turning my back on you and walking away. I can feel my heart all over my body – various pulses here ...


Author : Debbie Mac Rory “This ship represents the cutting edge of our technologies. It’s fitted with both near-light and dark-light engines. It even has solar sails installed, if you ever wanted to cruise on silent. The ship is designed for a skeleton crew of 6, though it ...

The Alnitakians

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer Approximately 800 light-years from Earth, the DSX-13 “dropped” out of hyperspace, and reentered conventional space-time. This was Earth’s first sojourn beyond the “local neighborhood” (100 light-year radius). It took fifteen jumps, ...

We All Fall Down

Author : Todd Hammrich On his final day of work the robot A9327R activated with a slight jerk. He was quite pleased that today he would be done with his projects. Long ago he had been created to serve as the monument upkeep specialist and had quite a job set before him. They ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer It was the physical changes that were the hardest to get used to. I’m not just talking about the year of physiotherapy. I’m talking about the grey hairs. I’m talking about the soft skin. That and the gradual discovery that life had ...


Author : David Richey “She’s amazing!” exclaimed General Perkins. “Thank you very much, General.” Dr. Springmayer said as they looked through the observation window. “We’ve worked very hard to make her so. Having sixty years worth of classified government research and a ...


Author : Ken McGrath My body goes limp and it’s like floating, like there’s no gravity. Then I feel the zoom, my shoulders jerk back and I’m off. Blood rushes to my head, fingertips scuttling like tiny crabs dancing over the keyboard, a whoosh by my eyes as the corners flash ...


Author : Richard Watt Isaac blinks and tries it again. There is an apple on the table in front of him, and another on the shelf to his left. He reaches out with his left hand and picks the fruit up. It has the texture and heft of an ordinary green apple. Isaac lays it ...

The Future's Promise

Author : Garrick Sherman Sarah settled back into her seat on the time skipper. She picked up a magazine and tried to read, but found she couldn’t focus. “Are you alright, dear?” the old woman in the next seat asked her. Sarah realized that she was bouncing her leg ...

Short Order

Author : H. Chaskin Above the clouds, it still rains. No pitter-patter. More like split-pea mist. Floating highway roars outside. Looks like Jetsons. Smells like Jersey. Naked Lady Calendar: July. Never used to rain in July. Electric eye jingles an 8-bit interlude above ...

Cybtech Disconnect

Author : Joseph Patrick Pascale An imposing man with the makings of a beard splotched across his face, Garrard skulked down the grimy Philadelphia streets slouched forward as if his muscles were barely contained within his hoodie. He crunched the plastic coffee cups that ...

Third Person

Author : Steven Saus She is within two hexes before my character notices her perfume. She is approaching from behind. I left-toggle the camera angle back to third person, floating above his head. Minicams hover and spin, filling in the the peripheral things a 120 degree ...


Author : Debbie Mac Rory “Now commencing system test number twenty-three. Ship designation VX1965, given name Skipper, are you receiving me”. “Affirmative” Jacob sighed and knuckled his eyes as his other hand reached to the desk to cradle his warm coffee. He wasn’t looking ...


Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer and J. S. Kachelries Back in 2023, researchers at the Beijing Chemical Company (BCC) discovered a way to reverse the effects of global warming. It involved using a unique new molecule that converts carbon dioxide into atomic carbon and ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer We called the rich kids ‘Upgrades’. They were the ones that had been born with all of the benevolent tweaks and cellular advantages that money could buy. Longer life spans, all possible congenital defects erased, optimum health, even ...

What's in a Name?

Author : Helstrom Paydirt rolled deftly away from the asteroid we'd hid her behind and launched a volley across the Wayfarer's bow. Some junior officer now had the task of rushing the captain out of his cabin. It was exactly those few minutes we used to put all the dominoes ...

Mister Experience

Author : Ross Baxter The ducting was tighter than expected, and full of choking dust and accumulated detritus. Filth caked my uniform, the billowing clouds of dirt coating the inside of my mouth and making my eyes stream. But I was nearly there. I struggled forwards to the ...

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