Depth Perception

Author : Bob Newbell "Captain Ree'Eer'Ak reporting as ordered," said the alien who, from a human perspective, might have been described as some nightmarish character from a Picasso painting made flesh, as it seemingly just appeared in the room that lacked any visible means of ingress ...

Apologies to Mr. Hawking

Author : J.D. Rice Dear Mr. Hawking, I regret to inform you that I will not be attending your reception, scheduled for 12:00 UT, 28 June 2009. Or perhaps I should say that I apologize for not having attended your reception, given that this letter will not be delivered until after the ...


Author : J.D. Rice June 7, 2105: Today, we switched on the communications array and confirmed what Dr. Keller's team had previously detected. The signals we are detecting follow recognizable mathematical patterns, resembling the transmission encoding commonly used on Earth. We have yet ...

Horribly in Love

Author : Janet Shell Anderson The sunlight’s dim, strange, blood colored. “I was framed.” He doesn’t say “That’s what they all say.” He doesn’t know enough. He doesn’t know what I am, what he is, what it is to be horribly in love. He will. I’m in prison on KEPPLER 442b, a Goldilocks ...


Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer Chandra Fourteen is an archaeological mystery. Not regarding its lost civilisation, nor the history of that civilisation. What everyone who encounters it becomes desperate to answer is why they did what they did. Imagine a society at a pinnacle ...

Hot and Cold

Author : Page Turner The plastic cover Nadia had snapped onto the mattress earlier crinkled as she sat down. Lazily, she stretched out on her bed and picked up the remote. Click. Car racing, sit com, cable cooking show. Informercial, infomercial, informercial. Golf. Infomercial. Nice ...


Author : Emily Stupar “I know it’s not glamorous, baby. But someone’s got to fill out the paperwork, and you’ve got the best handwriting.” Stephanie looks up at him from the couch, her face neutral. “I’ll do it, but you know what it’s gonna cost you.” Gil nods. “Fine, fine, fine. ...


Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer Tamis woke under the heat of the mid morning sun, the ocean reaching tentative tendrils up the smooth sand to lick at his feet. The last evening was a grey cloud, but he'd evidently passed out on the beach again. Levering up on one elbow, he ...

Strange Waters

Author : Bob Newbell "I'm having to push the engines a lot harder than expected. The density and currents at this depth are both greater than we predicted," said Dr. Ngozi Adeyemi as she piloted the Jules Verne over the ocean floor on Titan. "Mohammed can reel you up if you get into ...

Death Sentience

Author : Gray Blix It was beyond the planets, pushing past the furthest extent of Sedna's orbit, when it detected exactly what it was created to find, something with a lot of mass at a location where it shouldn't be. As programmed, the computer notified Earth, changed course to ...

An Understanding Of Custody

Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer The Nube curled up between Jim and Judy on the sofa in Necromancer’s small lounge. It purred like a large cat but looked more like some kind of monkey dog with blue fur. The woman stroked their companion lovingly. Jim looked at his wife with hateful ...

Now Get Out of My Starship

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer I’m covered in blood and squishy bits that slide and splat on the floor. In that, I look the same as the entire boarding bay. Even the shipsuits are reduced to ribbons, and I can’t recognise a bodypart or weapon component anywhere. She stands ...

The Edge

Author : Ellie Snyder We arrived at the edge of the universe yesterday. I don’t know exactly what I expected to see but it wasn’t this. I guess I figured it would be blackness—that the last tendrils of matter that had worked their way here would dissipate into the void. Until the ...


Author : Beck Dacus Earth is largely habitable. There are some places that are especially hot, cold, dry, irradiated, and toxic. And, sometimes, the entire Earth is subjected to extreme conditions; mass extinctions, periods of volcanic activity, Ice Ages, snowball Earths, and so on. ...


Author : Julian Miles “My microwave just exploded.” Here we go again. Mrs Jolene Public and her inability to program white goods. “Certainly madam. Now, I’ll need some details. What did you put in it?” “A damp face towel with a couple of drops of lemon juice on it.” “What ...

Water Shamans

Author : Gray Blix, Featured Writer [ bio ] She released her grip on the yoke of her De Havilland, and the pain in her hands eased. Even with a quarter century of experience flying to remote ...

The Garbage Approaches

Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer The garbage approaches. I yell at the family to get down as I swing the schooner around in a tight arc, heading away from the massive undulating island. The strong afternoon wind fills our sails yet I am nowhere near satisfied yet. With a loud ...

Fast Times in Slo-Mo

Author : Gray Blix, Featured Writer [ bio ] At a Calgary hockey camp, parents and players watched a goaltending 8 year old novice stop everything shot at him. Might as well have been a brick wall. ...

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