In the Dark Areas

Author : Olivia Black, Featured Writer “Hey Ed? What’s this light mean?” Maureen said, tapping the bulb with her index finger. The panel she examined covered the entire wall with its indicators and switches. The whole thing was dead except for that one blinking red light. “What ...

The Social Integer

Author : Phil Berry Fen Larsen entered the office of the Colonial Governor. He was too nervous to take a chair. “A disaster, Larsen! The first outright social implosion to occur in the colonies for three hundred years. I want an explanation.” “I can explain.” “Proceed, ...

Plasma Roulette

Author : Joseph S. Pete The detective demanded to know why Kyle’s friend offed himself with the plasma blaster. “He was playing Russian roulette,” Kyle stammered. “We had just seen it, in a movie.” “What kind of movie?” “An analogue movie, that he was streaming from some ...


Author : Beck Dacus “I assume you already know why the planet is called Trigger.” The tour guide had put too much faith in me. “No, actually. I've been wondering.” He let out a strained sigh. He then began to recite something scripted. At least I assume it was. “From ...

Cryptic Increments

Author : Terry J. Golob I ride the slow rails on the trashed echelon in a dying sector of the multi-city; the rotting, moss-covered penthouses glow fuzzy green in an opalescent fog. Crusty, white-scaled pipes of flimsy scaffolding demarcate progress not made, improvements not ...

Like Magic

Author : Samuel Stapleton She shuts the door hurriedly behind her. Gently sets her pack on the floor. “Raey, you were supposed to be back hours ago. Why wouldn’t you answer your comm?” She freezes, too caught up in whatever she’d been doing to have remembered to craft a ...

The Wreck of the Varangio

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer First we got lost. Then we got ambushed. If we hadn’t got lost, I’m sure that wouldn’t have happened. Which would have saved the lives of sixty-eight beings, and let me avoid drifting through uncharted space in a Terlestraian escape pod: not ...

Haptic Misfire

Author : Olivia Black, Featured Writer Reese stood admiring the view through the floor-to-ceiling windows in the Port Authority’s departure waiting room. He watched the crowded “open air” market several stories below as people went about their business unaware they were being observed.

The Internet of Things

Author : Philip Berry . Elizabeth, good morning. I have laid out your favourite summer dress Is it warm out then? . Warmish. 17 degrees Not enough. Get me my blue trousers will you. I feel the cold too easily nowadays. . No. The dress will do Err... Sarah, ...

Radiation Afterburn

Author : Timothy Marshal-Nichols

“That leg is pretty, that leg is pretty, and that leg is pretty, and that one, and that one, just look at that one, so pretty, and that one, gorgeous, and this one's especially pretty, ...


Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer Are you listening? I'm going to Initiate a conversation, albeit a little one sided, and when I'm done, there will be a Test. Seven, Six, Two, Two, Five, Zero. Sorry, that's not part of the ...

Visiting Mom

Author : Gray Blix "So, dad, did you think about what I asked you the last time we chatted?" "I don't want to think about it." "Come on, join me tomorrow. It would make me so happy to talk to you both, like we were a family again." "But it wouldn't be the same, because... because, ...

Meeting of the Minds

Author : Bob Newbell The tiny spacecraft skimmed the atmosphere of the turquoise world that orbited Tau Ceti. When the ship had completed its aerobraking maneuver, a small sphere emerged from it and plunged toward the planet's surface. The sphere grew larger and became buoyant, ...


Author : Kenny A Chaffin Joy was shunned by society. She chose therefore to spend much her time alone; in her room, in her cubicle at work, listening to music on the bus, eyes downcast to avoid attention or conversation. For her mother it was a difficult pregnancy with morning ...

The Love of a Sister

Author : Olivia Black, Featured Author Eve poked at her bowl of noodles again. She hadn’t been hungry when she’d ordered that food over an hour ago. Now, the broth was cold and the noodles gelatinous.

The Bear Follower

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer Across a starfield as vast as it is unexplored, two pinpricks of light crawl. Getting closer, their crawling progress is revealed to be a trick of distance. Both specks are moving at tremendous speed. “How far, Davey?” “Less than an ...

The Hair of Nazareth

Author : Beck Dacus The year is twenty - twenty seven. An archaeologist squats in the dirt, staring stupidly at a hair pinched between her fingers. An outside observer would have no idea that she was marveling at her way to bridge science and religion. For years she had felt like ...

One Man’s Trash …

Author : Edward D. Thompson (edacious) It’s just like hunting, Marcus thought, as he scanned the past at double speed. Know where the good spots are, know how to watch and wait, and mostly, it was just dumb luck. He let himself go, drifting up the current of the past, waiting, ...

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