Saturday Night at the Yeti Fight

Author : Joseph Lyons “What part of ‘only bettors can watch the Yeti fight’ do you not understand?!”, he yelled. “Either place a bet or get the hell out of here!” I begrudgingly gave him all of the money I had on me, about two hundred, and placed it on Demonio Blanco. Damn ...

Hell on Wheels

Author : Benjamin Fischer “It’s Bronco Eight Seven. He’s down, but he’s alive. Tight canyon, known hostiles--gonna be a hell of an extraction,” said Colonel. “Any volunteers?” Matherson raised his hand, the bandaged one from last night. Colonel looked right through him, ...

Good Doctrine

Author : Ari Brill It is always a joy to bring rightness to God’s creation. The Good Doctrine’s shiny hull glimmered in the blackness of space, the eerie light of the alien sun reflected off of it and somehow purified. The 100-meter-long starship had just completed its ...

Rough Trade

Author : Steve Davidson Grrxynyth stripped off the artificial covering. "Man! Did you see the way he was looking at me!?" Aaarraxanth tentacle gestured in the affirmative. "Couldn't keep his eyes off of you. Thought he was gonna die when you started taking off the ...

Marshall’s Restaurants

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer “How can I be of service?” asked Sam Dixon, Private Investigator. “I need you to investigate a major competitor of mine,” replied Donald LeDuca, of LeDuca’s Fine Eateries. “I assume you’ve heard of Marshall’s Restaurants?” “Ahhhh, ...


Author : Michael Varian Daly The city had once been prosperous and beautiful, tall shining towers, broad tree lined boulevards, full of vitality. Now it was a smashed ruin. Most of that had happened during the Age of Storms, Category Six monsoons scouring those once shining ...


Author : Ian Rennie I don't want to do this any more. It's cold, and we're all hungry. I knew it would be like this, but that's the difference between knowing and experiencing. Nobody talks much any more, Scott least of all. When we were on the way there, he tried to keep ...

Instruments of War and Peace

Author : John Logan Leviathan IV floated in space, amongst the debris of its brother and sister starships, somewhere in close proximity to Alpha Centauri. Inside its massive hull, a team of veterans were preparing for their last mission. They were the last hope for their ...

The Electric Olympian

Author : Ken McGrath John sat down in a corner of the canteen, spread his newspaper out in front of him and began to unpack his lunch. ‘THE ELECTRIC OLYMPIAN’ screamed the headline plastered across the front page of the red top. “Hey Johnny, have you seen this?” a voice ...

Circus of Grotesques

Author : Q. B. Fox With her middle finger she idly traced the ragged designer scar that ran across his tanned bicep, but she appeared unimpressed by it and her mind was obviously elsewhere. He stared at her pale, flawless skin where it stretched over her perfectly proportion ...

Blue Diamonds

Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer It was slave labour, that’s what it was. My nose drew a little circle in the center of the condensation on my faceplate. The visors were supposed to be moisture resistant but like everything else, the company had cut corners. We could ...

The Circle of Life

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer “Captain, we’re being hailed by Ambassador Kapris. He say’s it’s urgent.” Dammit, thought Captain Santiago, I don’t have time for this. “Tell him that I cannot be interrupted.” “Sir, he says that it’s a matter of life and death. He ...

Jerry and Monica's Falling Out

Author : Sean Monaghan

Jerry ducked Monica's projectile, his knees up to his chin in zero-G. The sno-globe missed his head by millimeters and smacked into the aluminum window casing, then spun through their cabin.

'Honey, it's okay, it's-'

'Ladies and Gentlemen,' the ...

Earthly Convalescence

Author : George Li The rusted orange hue of the sky made dancing reflections on Mirna's “skin”. Carefully, she raised the fragile watering pot. People had thought it would be them who caused this. Sentient robots that would rebel and destroy humanity. It didn't work out like ...


Author : John C. Osborn The sound of the spray paint can spitting neon green from its nozzle drowned out the ambient noise of the city: police sirens, echoing gunshots, and the monotonous drone of the Floating Eyes. Ty directed the colorful symphony across a giant raised ...


Author : Ian Rennie "Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my apartment?" The man at the window didn't turn to look at Lloyd's outburst. When he spoke, his voice sounded bored. "You know who I am, and if you have any sense, you know why I'm here." Finally he did ...


Author : Clare Tong Lee Elizabeth stared at herself in the mirror as her ladies flittered about twisting her hair into elaborate braids and adorning her with jewellery. In less than an hour they would be docking at the Rammajek spaceport and then they would be out of time. ...

There Is No Was

Author : Ken McGrath He woke screaming, just as he always did. The chains held him in place, tearing into his flesh, causing his wounds to tear open and start to bleed again. The other place was gone, all that existed now was this horrible twisted metal hole, pumped full of ...

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