The Autodidact

Author : Jedd Cole Brontë was a sad and curious alien android. That's how I came to know him at least. Most merely saw him as a strange man. But, first and foremost, Brontë was a didact. He did not talk except to teach, and in teaching, I think he believed he was learning. Yeah, I ...

Surf's Up

Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer The starship dropped down into the clear atmosphere of the water planet. Inside the belly bay, six surf pods awaited their launch. Each one was five meters long, known as “longboards” by current popular culture. And inside of each one of them, there ...


Author : S T Xavier “It’s eating from my hand! Look, David! It’s so cute!” David nods at the image visible only in his mind, speaking aloud the words from the memory. “It sure is, Sarah. You have such a way with birds, my love.” A giggle comes from the speakers, the sound of ...

Baby Names

Author : Martyn Dade-Robertson “How about AtJohnaxith?” “What” “AtJohnaxith. I know its similar to AtRachelsynth and AtJonoheist’s youngest AtJaneith but they won’t mind will they?” “This is not a good time darling--aaaaa” AtMarystrum lay back on her bed, arched her back and dug ...

This is Africa

Author : Feyisayo Anjorin When I was a child growing up in Akure, surrounded by hills and tall trees, and green fields, I believed the book of genesis. The first book of the bible was said to be about the beginning of everything. The first things, the newness, the freshness, the ...


Author : Michael Hughes Commander Gareth released the locks on the landing shuttle’s doors and took in the view as they opened to reveal a barren landscape. This wasn’t what they had seen from orbit. Both the Columbia’s sensors and their own eyes had deceived them. There was nothing ...

Whisked Away

Author : JT Gill Dad shuffled around the kitchen in his bathrobe slamming cabinet doors so hard they bounced back open. His muttering was punctuated with little crescendos each time something banged closed. The roar of the shuttle could be heard from outside, though greatly muffled. ...

Old Soldiers

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer He’s petrified. I can tell from the white-knuckle grip he has on his rifle, the way his eyes cannot fix on a given point for more than a few seconds. My threat scan classifies him as ‘low to negligible’. Which is a bit of a bugger as he’s one of my ...


Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer Parker watched from the back of the car as the driver navigated the roadblocks and security checkpoints, crossed the bridge over the river and pulled into the parking lot. On any other night he would have made this drive alone, through the ...

There Goes My Bonus

Author : Curtis Brown "What was that?" The Sheriff turned his head to one of his deputies after they heard a low rumble somewhere outside. "Deputy, go check that out, I will handle this." The Sheriff turned his head back to his prize: a short young man with a burnt-orange full ...


Author : Ian Hill The day’s outlook was bright as my father woke me up with a smile on his facing, saying that it was finally time to visit the holy city. So it was that we hastily underwent our morning rhythm with a great deal of fevered haste. We, my father and I, boarded the ...

Fancy That

Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer Flaktar entered the great senate hall dressed in his Fuztonian best. His entourage followed close behind, their own attire mimicking yet not exceeding his outfit’s grandeur. His fat grey slimy head stuck out from his tight collar, which was decorated ...

365 Tomorrows

Author : J.D. Rice “So anyway, do you want to go out Saturday night?” I asked the question abruptly, after an uncomfortable amount of small talk. Stacey's eyes darted away from my own, looking across the park where we'd agreed to meet. I told her I just wanted to discuss our latest ...

The Crossing

Author : Roger Dale Trexler Bruen looked out the viewport into nothing but darkness. Utter, barren blackness. “I don’t see anything,” he said. Behind him, a voice said: “Watch this.” Slowly, the lights in the room faded out. His eyes adjusted slowly to the darkness of the room ...

Boarding Action

Author : Connor Harbison “Lieutenant Chen, let out the mainsail three degrees. I want to ride this solar flare between the two cruisers. Please alert the dorsal and ventral batteries they may fire when the enemy is within sight.” Captain Aguilar smiled as the solar sails bloomed. The ...


Author : Suzanne Borchers Arnold, a four-foot bot, wiped disinfectant rags over the chairs and tables while the residents of Ever Pleasant Retirement Home slept. The night duty was routine and Arnold moved easily around the recreation room. Quiet. As always, he was alone. A shadow ...


Author : Roger Dale Trexler They stood on the western plain and watched the tornado tear apart a settlement in the distance. Nearby, to the north, half a foot of snow had already blanketed the survivors. A torrential downpour was creating mudslides to the south of them, and the sun was ...

The Modern Fauxmetheus

Author : Bob Newbell "Throw the switch!" Dr. Victor Frankenstein yelled to his assistant over the roar of the wind and the incessant peals of thunder. "Yes, master!" replied the diminutive lackey as he pulled down on the enormous knife switch on the wall of the laboratory. The low ...

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