The Amazing Outer-Space Adventures of Mark Jackson and Tellis Lynne

Author : S. C. Wells “Over there. See it?” Tellis’ gaze followed Mark’s pointing finger toward the last planet in the system they were passing through. The surface was invisible, covered entirely by a glowing cloud, deep blue streaked with iridescent greens and yellows and ...

Freedom is Not…

Author : Trip Venturella “Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.” -Mohandas Ghandi Asher was heavy. Not fat, as it was impossible, borderline illegal, to be fat any more (for health safety, of course), but heavy. He had spent the ...

No Logo

Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer

The body on the mattress had been there for a while.

She was laying face-down. The pooling blood had left her back unnaturally pale. I knew that when we flipped her stiffly over, the front of her would be a dark maroon. One of her arms ...

The New Pilot

Author : Michael "Freeman" Herbaugh It was time. The ship was on course for a slow burn into atmosphere, which it hadn’t done in over a millennium. Though Lars had every confidence that the ship would make it, his palms were slick holding the yoke which adjusted attitude ...


Author : J.R. Blackwell, Staff Writer My family made me a robot. “Your sister needed your lungs!” my mother cried, when I ask about my body. “She needed so much.” My sister and I were both in the crash, our hover cars smashed into a building three stories over street ...

Yer Own Beeswax

Author : Pete Hayward Wading through the long grass, her eyes and nose prickled by pollen, Erin could hear the thrum of helicopters in the distance. She knew they would soon catch her. As she approached the wire fence, she knew there was no escape; that she had lead them to ...


Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer My favourite time is just before dawn while she still sleeps. I stretch out, savour the crisp night air, feel the coolness of the sheets against our naked flesh. Soon the earth will turn us to face the sun again, and I'll feel the warmth as its ...

Coming Home

Author : Leslie Smith Hi there. have a question? Someone at school said we were going somewhere? After dinner honey. No? Now? Okay, sit very still and I will tell you a story....... Once, very long ago, we lived with our mother. She was large and round. She fed and ...


Author : John Kuhn Bata stood beside Danny and held out his soda. The game blared in front of him. Danny glanced at her. “Thanks,” he smiled, wondering if the smile really mattered. “You’re welcome.” He took the drink and relished the sound of ice cubes clinking against ...

La Valse de Capitaine Merroux

Author : Luke Chmelik We were about to set in for refitting in the drydocks of Neptune when Capitaine Merroux of the Frégate Royaux Joyeuse came forth with a grand announcement. There would be a night of revelry in her private quarters, a formal ball to commemorate the ...

Greetings, I Come in Peace

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer Johnny pointed his broomstick “phaser rifle” at Tommy and squeezed the imaginary trigger. In his mind’s eye, the evil alien from the planet Zircon vaporized in a flash of light. But Tommy kept on running. “I got you Tommy,” he ...

Meat Farming

Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer

My family became meat farmers in the spring of ’22.

Like a lot of city dwellers, we tired of the hustle and bustle of metropolitan life. We sold our possessions, liquidated our assets, and bought a stake in Canada that was ready for ...


Author : Ian Rennie

The puddles of rainwater reflected neon and sodium up from the streets as the two men stood at the taxi rank. One waited, the other waited with him.

"Shame you have to leave so early, Tom. The evening was just getting started."

"Sorry Jake, it's ...

The Ham

Author : William Tracy

“A Ham is coming!”

The news spread like wildfire. Even the adults were swept up in the excitement.

“A Ham is coming!”

The Ham came from the east in a truck. I had never seen a truck move before!

The adults eagerly asked the Ham for ...

The Incomprehensible Being

Author : Cal Glover-Wessel

There is a being, I have witnessed that, through some strange twist of evolutionary fate, is able to move any which way through time, but through space can only move unceasingly forward. It lives a life parallel to our own, one where “day” and “year” and ...

A Calendar Full of X's

Author : S.R. Dantzler

"Hey Yates!" Dorian turned to see who called him. The thin blue laser of a retinal scanner flashed over his eyes.

"You have been served." The young courier handed Dorian an official-looking envelope and turned away, disappearing down the busy ...


Author : Bradley Hughes

“Fucking tests.”

I turned to look at the speaker sitting beside me at the bar. I noticed she had a small doll on the bar along with her drink, one of those wooden posable dolls made of jointed oval sections. I've always assumed they were for practicing ...

Git Along Little Dogie

Author : Bob Burnett A glint of reflected sunlight caught Will McRae's attention. He ground-hitched his sorrel gelding and bellied up the slope to look into the next draw. He scooted back down the slope, turned on his back and stared at the sky, his mouth suddenly dry. ...

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