The Death of Old Zero

Author: R. J. Erbacher He is known by many names. Most people call him Jack. He prefers Old Zero. His campaign starts on the first nippy morning in late September when the average person wakes with a chill in their bones and turns the heat on for the first time in six ...

Loxodonta Africana

Author: Lewis Richards "What is it?" "My boy, this is an Elephant." The man responded, never taking his eyes from the animal. "What does it do?" His grandson continued, Looking woefully unimpressed. "Well, it eats, it drinks, you see those horns at the front? ...

He Practices on the Mountain

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer Every day he was there, walking funny and slowly waving his arms about like he was directing the spaceships that thundered over his head as they went to and from the port. Chan and Ling Di led a group of us up there. We hid in the bushes ...

Real Estate

Author: Joshua Fagan To the human who found my spaceship: I am sorry the front door was locked, but the open house does not start until tomorrow. You’re free to come back then, and in fact, I encourage you to do so. I have an offer to make you. Living out of a spaceship ...

Little Rituals

Author: Lewis Richards We all have little rituals. Lily braids her hair every night before bed, Daisy rubs the same spot on her arm when she worries, Jasmine taps out the same rhythm with her fingers when she daydreams in lessons. We all wear our white silks and pearls ...

Short Supply

Author: R. Michael “Good morning, Sue. How may I assist you today?” “I’m afraid there isn’t much you can do, Vick. Everyone is staying home. They know what’s happening and don’t want to put additional strain on the system,” Sue replied, rummaging through some boxes on a ...

Until Further Notice

Author: Mary Sophie Filicetti The roar of overhead planes; that’s what hits me—or more, the lack of it. Each morning at six planes soared overhead, one after another, pulling me into a dim consciousness. Night brought a gradual reversal, the gaps between flights widening ...

The Games Oracles Play

Author: William Gray Exploring Callisto, stumbling upon curious cave drawings. Erratic runes chiseled into rocky walls needed no formal translation. Illustrations below sufficed. A staircase, a shrine, an altar, a robe-clad Oracle. Arrows circling from a child to an ...

The Message

Author: Mark Renney The road signs are still standing and at first, this intrigues Davis. It doesn’t make sense to him when everything else has been demolished and flattened, reduced to strewn rubble. The foundations of buildings remain but these are merely platforms of ...

Pale Dogs

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer The map on the wall shows a wash of orange with occasional zones of red or blue. Above is yellow, denoting the Canada-Alaska Alliance, below is green: Mexico. All bordered by the black of the oceans. “D.C. has fallen.” Analyst Stevens ...

Primitive Patchwork

Author: Michael Anthony Dioguardi This cold is not healthy. My skin is cracking. This won’t last—it can’t last, not in space, and certainly not in these conditions. I’m not sure what’s hurting it more, the cold or the rapid aging? Are we traveling at the speed of light? How ...

For the Common Good

Author: Rick Tobin Officer Timothy Jeffreys flicked a puffy, trembling hand over his holstered pistol, while staring into and then away from Edward Andrews’ glare. Timothy had rookie bloating from devouring Sheriff’s station sweets. Donut dust still mingled with dripping ...

L’appel du vide

Author: Takshak It began when the first mind was uploaded. I remember there was a big uproar. Soon there were two camps – for and against. I thought scientists leading us during learning curves would do a better job than yesteryear politicians. I couldn’t have been more ...

Future, Tense

Author: Steve Smith, Staff Writer Julia sat in her boss's office, barely taking up any room in the massive wingback chair, eyes locked across the massive wooden and steel desk at Tomas. "I know something," she began. "I pay you to know things," he didn't give her the ...

Our Flying Forest

Author: Beck Dacus Kilometers above me, sitting stoic like a mountain, was Verenia. Her green bulk blocked my line of sight to the opposite side of the cylinder, like a hole cut in the sprawling countryside curving up over my head. Lazily she turned-- or rather, we did, the ...

The Cry Of The Seagulls

Author: Irene Montaner Seventeen days. Alana made another straight line beside the previous sixteen. The faint light of the first sun rays already filled the kitchen. The kettle whistled. Alana poured herself a cup of tea and watched the milk swirl in the brown water. ...

Dawn of the Disenfranchised

Author: David C. Nutt I watched the wifihead bounce into the door. I Love clueless look they all have when they realize they’ve lost connectivity. Next comes the part I love even better, when they swipe their finger across the door to open it. None of them have been ...


Author: Evan Whitbeck Light . . . warmth. It's far, but what I begin to feel rouses me. Where am I? I guess if I've woken, I must be someplace again. Ping. A sound? A sound! And I felt something! Something hit me, flew into me -- I crashed into something, but I ...

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