End Game

Author : Mike McLaren Shmuel Berkov grew up in Logoisk, and lived a regular life like any other boy in the village, until his eighteenth birthday, when he made the decision to run for Prime Minster of Belarus. He wanted to grow up and save the world. His dream to be the leader of his ...

Freaks of Nature

Author : Bob Newbell, Featured Writer "The corporeals have sent another machine to planet four," said Wyvin to Lekvar. Of course, Wyvin had not really "said" anything. He, or more precisely "it," had communicated its thoughts via short range radio frequency modulation to its companion ...

Blue on Pink

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer Screams mingle with the hiss of blood on coals. The clatter of dropped gear and the sound of running feet. When will they learn that using small weapons against us is the same as committing suicide? > CMNDLCK0 I jerk into wakefulness as the ...

Distance Between Us

Author : Desmond Hussey, Staff Writer Our Probation. That’s what the first hundred years of our subjugation by the Thkar were called. After a long history of subservience to home-grown oppressors, we were extremely pliant to the superior wills of alien powers. Universaly speaking, we ...

Waking Up

Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer Dawn jumps up from behind the mountains and splashes over the city, making a high tide of light that reaches with bright yellow fingers up to my bedroom window. The glow filters through the dust motes and the blinds. It paints stripes onto my ...

Breeding For Luck

Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer “Breeding for luck?” “Breeding for luck.” “Why does that sound familiar?” “A famous 20th century science fiction writer once hypothesized…” “Okay, okay I remember now. I read the whole series,” waving his hand in the air, “Plus most of his other ...

Blue Eyes Green

Author : Morrow Brady Nightshift was almost over when iHUD flashed: unknown abscess. "Great! More lumps and bumps" My sarcasm catching Turing's interest. "Yeah, I scanned him in. Big and green. I've never seen anything like it" Turing exclaimed. Khomyakov, a deep space medical ship ...

The Lag Has Made Us Patient

Author : John Arcadian The lag has made us patient. Not humanity, just Marie and I, and maybe a few others. You see, I’m on the lunar launch station on the farthest part of the moon that is viably habitable. It’s a spider-webbed grid of interconnected, but autonomous, pods that ...


Author : David Burkhart He had just sat down when he felt a soft touch on his shoulder and then heard a voice near his ear saying “D-d-dance with me Henry”. He looked around at two strange eyes and said, “Get away from me, you freak!”. He twisted his glass free from the dingy sticky ...


Author : Bronwyn Seward “I-, I-, want….you to die my boy.” “Famous last words, eh Grandpa?” My father’s father fidgeted under the covers, twisting his toes with creaking bones. A shaky hand reached for mine, as I jutted away from it. “Come here, don’t be afraid now.” Pawing closer, ...

Police Interrogation

Author : Townsend Wright The young tech analyzed her monitor. Her blue uniform was worn loosely among her personal gothic choice of clothing which was oddly fitting of the dark, blue-lit, organic looking room they were in. "Download complete. Ready any time officers." Browner checked ...


Author : Aaron Koelker I had eaten a ham sandwich the morning we found God. It wasn’t exactly the foundation of great literature. Perhaps they would write in a great feast and how our crew was a likable bunch both humble and imperfect. You know, a “twelve apostles” sort of crew, all ...

The End of the Extinction

Author : Isla Kay We still thought about it. Dreamt about it. The idea would never escape us. Even if we’d never lived it. I had been folding Kyle’s socks when I started hearing newscasts from the telesurfaces in the kitchen. A man had been found. He’d been living in Tazmania. His ...


Author : Daniel Martin Fairbairn Along the track the city slid past. Like an anamorphic visual soundtrack to the passing of time and past and present in his mind. The music from the earphones pulsing like some outer heart, reflecting the heat from the sun, and ejecting it from within ...


Author : Javen J. 1:10. Three fingers of vodka were left; two in the bottle and one in a tumbler. He had never drunk so much before; and never would again. At least there would be no record breaking hangover. He chased the tumbler with a sharp inhale. He looked down at his mangled ...

Fight Fan Love

Author : Michael F. da Silva "I didn't know you were such a fight fan!" he said with a huge, dumb grin on his face. He couldn't believe his luck. "Oh, totally!" she beamed. "I got really into it because of my Dad. We've watched the Pan-Orion Championships every year together since I ...

Burial Details

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer The shades of green here are like nowhere else in the world. “Pre-zent arms!” With a metallic crash, fourteen biobots swing their gantry guns skyward as their right arms raise in salute. The bier passes with a soft hum, the incongruously gentle ...

Hard Right

Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer It was China that finally did it. So little was known about the whys and hows of explosive decompression of the human body in space. There had been assumptions and guesses but nothing had happened yet in terms of accidents to give the scientists ...

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