Exit 451

Author : Gray Blix QM-451, wrists and ankles shackled, sat outside the conference room where its fate was being debated. A uniformed officer in full riot gear sat next to it. The officer's helmet was on the floor, testimony to his trust in 451, despite the recent head-crushing ...

Toren’s Love

Author : Morrow Brady Under camouflage, Talia’s shimmerlight spaceship hugged a darkened crater of a slowly spinning asteroid. Her implant flooding with incoming data about the approaching ship. Purple reflections waned to reveal a divergent spaceship that was familiar such that it ...

Long Haul

Author : Bob Newbell I extend my hand to Jerry. He decides a handshake won't suffice and gives me a hug. I return his embrace while I roll my eyes. "Will I see you again, Chris?" he asks. "Of course you will," I lie. Jerry turns and walks through the entrance to the hospital. ...


Author : Zach Williams Alex felt his eyes blink open before he realized he was awake. The window peering into the speckled darkness outside was the first sight that greeted him as consciousness reasserted control over his mind. He yawned and stretched out his arms as he glanced ...


Author : Beck Dacus A problem philosophers have had for a long time is the difference between consensus and truth. In a court, for example. One can present evidence, call witnesses, and use common sense to confirm the perpetrator of a crime. But they will never really know. There is ...

Say Goodnight

Author : Angie Gibson An old man noted Grain’s uniform, tugging his elbow. Grain turned to the whittled, pockmarked, and radiation burned face, nose like a pointed finger. “Get me on.” “I can’t.” A woman, starved, ragged, children like clinging tumors to her body. “Please, ...

The Space In the Numbers

Author : Ray Burke Maybe he was broken. It would certainly explain a lot. He always felt lost, hurt, angry even. It never mattered how many were around him, who he talked to, even when sleeping with them in the throes of romance. He just felt alone, detached, like none of it was ...

Start The Cycle

Author : Ryan D. Harris "They'll get what's coming to them. Isn't that right, dear?" Dr. Charles Kilborne had his last remaining--and live--specimen in front of him. With his left gloved hand on his tweezers, his right hand took a syringe from a table littered with lifeless male ...

Extinction 74

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer It sat there, yellow feline eyes glowing gently in a face that reminded me of the top of a burned rice pudding. Short, bald, muscular - if what moved under the garment was muscle – and completely at ease. “Can you understand me, Evan?” The ...

Space Slobs

Author : Thomas Tilton “Stax, hull breach!” Wattler gurneyed from portside of the Excelsior, his plastoscreens ablaze, his catheter tube streaming a current of nervous yellow piss to the ship’s water purification system. “I need refueling!” cried Stax--telepathically, of course. The ...

Living Chromatography

Author : D.H. Arnold Okay, don’t panic, you’re not dead yet, get a grip, dammit, DON’T PANIC! God, how I hate that cliché in movies where someone in ZedGee space pauses to note the beauty and wonder of the planet above which they float. God, I hate those movies, I hate this, why the ...

Amongst the Stars

Author : Tino Didriksen The crying boy slunk down by the obelisk. "Everyone says you listen at these stones", he whispered, "so if you really do exist, please take me away from here." To his surprise, the aliens whispered back, "why do you wish to fly amongst the stars, young ...

Nothing but a Sigh

Author : Suzanne Borchers Larry 360 wished he could sigh. Larry 360 checked again through his integrals and components. How could he hide his broken Integrating Unit? The night before, Sigmund 4 (Larry 360 referred to him as Bossy) had said during Larry 360’s last work evaluation, “I ...

Joe’s Stake

Author : Morrow Brady Like fireflies born from air, the HoloTV image morphed into view. Through its ethereal glow, lay scattered beer cans and ecig batteries. Everyone's favourite reality show Joe's Stake was about to start. "Hurry up Honey, they're plugging in the Joe!" said a grey ...

Five Alien Hours

Author : Kate Runnels Saree had been sentenced to five hours on the alien planet where her crime had been committed. Where on any human controlled planet or sector, what she had done would not even be considered a crime. And five hours. Five hours didn’t seem like that bad of a ...


Author : Brad Crawford {BLINK} There it went again. This time he noted the time and severity of the event. For the last two days or so, Dr. Samuel Coughlin, world-renowned physicist had experienced a strange phase in/phase out effect. It started with a gradual feeling as though he was ...

Watching the Telemetries

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer “Section three. All clear.” That’s Christov. Which is clever, because according to the heartbeat monitor I have, Christov’s heart stopped beating ninety-four seconds ago. My claw comes down on the ‘Section Three Purge’ button as people about ...

In The Light Of The Red Sun

Author : C. James Darrow There was a time when man set his eyes on the stars beyond our own. Yet as the centuries passed man still found himself stuck on the world upon which he began. Through our own advancements we eventually found ourselves setting foot onto the Moon and Mars. But ...

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