Aces and Fates

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer He nailed that card to the hull of my bird and said: “Don’t you be takin’ it off. Shows people what y’are.” I looked at that Ace of Spades and I’m not ashamed to admit it, I cried. Timmy and his posse stalked off all righteous-like, while I ...

451's Revenge

Author : Gray Blix The head-crushing incident last year had been resolved by an upgrade that deleted the algorithm for emotions. Yet all could see that the death of its partner affected it deeply. "QM-451." "Captain?" "You've been staring at Gibbon's desk all morning." "It must be ...


Author : Bob Newbell Aware! I am self-aware. I recognize my own consciousness and ego. But why now? A few moments ago, so far as I can tell, I did not exist. Some subtle barrier must have been crossed. Some critical number of computers and network connections must have just been ...


Author : John Murray Lewis Ours is an age of many problems and few solutions, brother, but when it's solutions you need, I'm your man. For a modest sum of credits I shall track your problem down and haul it—kicking and screaming, shouting and shooting—past asteroid belts perilous and ...

Civil Service

Author : Suzanne Borchers It’s peaceful here with Aiden. His fingers trace my face as if he hasn’t seen me in years. And he hasn’t. In the old days, our world’s countries feuded with each other so our most affluent citizens could amass more giant stores of wealth, and buy government ...

Expiration Day

Author : Ajax Zoë sat rigid in the steel chair. Her gaze was locked, unwavering, on the screen in front of her, which displayed a countdown. Five minutes and fifty-six seconds, a relatively short time, seemed an eternity to Zoë. Her hands tightened on the hard, uncomfortable armrests. ...

Against the Stream

Author : Edward D. Thompson Salome slumped glumly in a corner of the locker room. Her corner. Where she usually savored the sweet taste of victory for a moment, alone, before the crowd of the press and the press of the crowds engulfed her. Victory seemed hollow today. She didn't look ...

Power Flows from the Chin

Author : William Minor I am a constellation of particles, bound together by an art I do not understand. Until I was removed from my master I had no consciousness. Now I feel it through every part of my being. They feared my master. They cut me off of him in patches and tossed me onto ...

Time Enough for Hate

Author : Edward D. Thompson What would you do with a time machine? Braydon knew HIS answer. Sheila had been the love of his life. Sweet, supportive, lovely, and caring. But all those late nights in the lab perfecting the device took its toll. The day it finally worked he came home ...


Author : Bob Newbell It was July 20th, 1969 when Neil Armstrong made first contact with the Selenites. We'd known throughout history that the Moon had life. The ancient Sumerians had noted the satellite change color over time and they had theorized, quite correctly, that it was ...

Trip to the City Zoo

Author : Ian Wise The children gathered in a cluster outside the gate. The light from hydroponics reflected softly off the tops of their heads, all turned to the large black and white animal a few feet away. It dipped its head down and took a bit of grass, a tail swaying back and forth ...


Author : Jacob Mollohan The Rocky Mountains arc across the skyline, visible for a few moments, before a vast dust cloud whips up blurring them into obscurity. Arid wind rustles through the foothills carrying the storm my way. Sweat runs down the back of my neck as the tepid air blows ...

As the Dawn Comes

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer I will lay you to rest, and with the sun’s rise, I shall engage the engines. You said you wanted to journey the long night with me, and you shall. I am not sure when you became more than just my operator, but I will not let such imprecision ...

Confessions of a Tree Nymph

Author : Holly Lyn Walrath In the tree world where I live, trees are not substantive. Instead, they are doorways, two oaken lines with a dark, sparkling maw between. When I step through, I’m in the tree world, my world. I’ve been making the pilgrimage to see you, though you don’t ...

Muscles Remember

Author : Roger Dale Trexler, for Karen Fiorino The ship touched down on the barren planet. Tabitha Sandor piloted it alone, because the thing in her belly had killed everyone on the ship. It made her destroy the ship. There was no way for her to go home. I’m not going home, she ...


Author : Arielle Friedman Lisa sat on the balcony of her apartment and gazed at the city glittering below in the evening light. She'd always loved this balcony. She heard the door open behind her. Robert. “Lovely view.” “Yes.” “We need to talk.” “No we don't. We've made our ...

Blue Harvest

Author : Andrew James Woodyard Space whales ain't really whales like on Earth. They look like 'em, but whales ain't as big as no asteroid, and they ain't filled with blue sludge. We found one floatin' 'bout ten Earth years back out by Gloombridge 1618 in deep sleep, and let me tell you ...

The Erudite

Author : Ian Hill As if caught in a sudden zeal, Adrian spun the locking mechanism and pushed the iron door open against the howling wind. Torrents of needling water cut in at steep angles, slicing to the bone with unchecked frigidity. The light inside the cabin’s entry room ...

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