The Dinosaur’s Eyes

Author: Stephen C. Curro It’s curious to look into the eyes of a dinosaur. There’s life there, but not the cold reptilian shade you’d expect. You can see the theropod is assessing you with genuine curiosity. Then it moves and its head bobs slightly like a bird, its foot ...


Author: Jamie Fouty Everything dies in this house but me. I don’t know if I’m immortal or if this is punishment. Three births happened here, perhaps equilibrium was wanting. The second death was the hardest; the third took two at once. After the fourth, I abandoned the ...

Little Red Drops

Author: Hari Navarro, Staff Writer A single bullet was all that was needed to start the last ever war on earth. A bullet and the head of a small child to put it in. Innocent, in as much as she surely had in her possession a life less used. But then so did many of the ...

Paper Moon

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer The walls are sweating as I labour up the stairs. Intravenous packs are heavy and I have to buy in bulk, otherwise I couldn’t afford enough of them. The door opens to my retina print and I barge in, pushing the door closed with my ...


Author: Suzanne Borchers CHARLIE had found itself leaning against a trash bin in a nearby alley—alone, jobless, and needing shelter. Its owner had abandoned the retail store to run away with his clerk to parts unknown. It had rained for a week and its once pristine joints ...

Oxygen Isn’t Love

Author: Irene Montaner I was never good at holding my breath underwater. So the moment the doors closed I knew I only had seconds left to live. Seconds left to think of Luna, alone in that escape pod. One Mississippi. Two Mississippi. I used to play that game on hot ...

Rocket Man

Author: David Barber “Hi, granddad. It’s Tom." His granddad’s puzzled gaze flicked between the brothers. “Look, Corbin’s here. We’ve come to see you.” “Christ,” muttered Corbin. “Probably keep them under the spell all day. Total immersion software is the new...” Tom didn't know ...

Joel’s Best Vacation Ever

Author: Tim Ulrich The doors opened and the small throng Joel was standing with, moved to board the lift. They shuffled into the car, jostling against each other as they settled into an impromptu formation for the brief, but cramped, journey up to the Centerline ...

Online Always

Author: Lance J. Mushung I stepped onto the yellow and black transfer disk mounted on the gray deck of Delia Akeley and began bouncing like a child expecting candy. I'd be home in moments. Mickie, the A.I. half of the crew, said through the speaker mounted on the ...

Cat Toys

Author: Hari Navarro, Staff Writer Cat toys. They have an aisle for cat toys. Of all the gaudy alleys in all the supermarkets and I find myself boxed into the last seconds of existence surrounded by fake mice and pom-poms. I fucking hate cats. I can hear Mrs Graves ...

The Eyes That Never Sleep

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer I open my eyes to behold a slit of blue between tenements that descend from lofty, sunlit heights to the sordid mess of which I am a larger part. Lining that strip of clear sky are the blurry, baroque patterns made by fire escapes and ...


Author: Rick Tobin Rotting mangoes proffer disgusting flavors like burning spittle rising into a renovator’s mouth when alien wraiths hiss, rising from charred ruins fallen untold millennia before humanity’s existence. Dearth Crenshaw stood his ground as a maniacal, ...

The Stepfather

Author: Suzanne Borchers The back rows of mourners had risen to pay their respects and shuffled toward the old man lying in the casket. The front rows consisting of family and their close friends squirmed a bit waiting for the line to proceed past. Soft musical selections ...

The End of All Good Things

Author: Christopher Lee Buckner The End of All Things Good Alice-8000, a fancy name that meant nothing beyond the fact it made the android seem more advanced than it really was led the Johnson’s into their new room. Speaking in an upbeat voice, Alice stated to the husband and wife, “And ...

The God Locator

Author: David Henson The God Locator, no bigger than a TV remote, projected a hologram of the world with veins of light indicating the presence of God. The projection could be small as a grapefruit or big enough to fill a room. In certain areas, the light sparkled more ...

Eudora Pennifer and The Bleatsmackers

Author: Janet Shell Anderson “There ought to be bleatsmackers,” Giovanna Tatiana Romanova Baldwin says. She’s come back from nowhere, or maybe Gliese 246, a near perfect copy of Earth that circles a dim red star where she vanished in a rented Black Hole with her personal ...

The Salzburger Conundrum

Author: Hari Navarro, Staff Writer The senator peels from her lover and she thinks of her impending speech and she thinks of her wife and her husband. Her bid to prevent the ISTC’s proposal to travel back in time and kill an infant Hitler will fail. She laments that she is ...

Thud, Bang

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer Is all I hear. On a world where everything uses parts of the visual spectrum humans don’t, we’d have been better off staying away. Far from its star, the eternally-twilit forests of Modbiaent XIV are protected by interstellar law and, ...

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