The Other Robot

Author: Steve Pool Rosalee loved her job. She loved taking care of the home and family of her employers as much as she loved anything that she did. Well, technically, “love” was a bit of a stretch. Rosalee was a robot. Could she feel anything as complex an emotion as love, ...


Author: Chris Stewart In the Spring of 2028, a press conference was held announcing that the Phanes Project, the largest database of human DNA ever gathered (some samples going back many centuries), was joining forces with The Coeus Computing Collective in a bold effort to ...

“The Forms”

Author: R.J. Sadler Herman sat at his cubicle nervously waiting for the next round. He could hear the wheels whoosh along the carpet tiles. “Here ya’ go jack.” The forms fell on his desk with a splat. Herman stared at them. “Need’em done by 2.” He looked up at ...

Always Leaving

Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer I drag the chair into the middle of the room, close to the table and set myself and my coffee down. "Hello Gladyce, you wanted to see me?" The question felt stupid, but she had trouble with social cues, and I knew we'd sit in silence ...

Sweet Rocks

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer The stars appear like fireflies seen through vintage sunglasses, the ones that used to give everything a mellow brown hue. My grandfather had some, an inheritance from his grandfather. Guess they’re buried somewhere in the dust of Earth ...

Real War

Author: David Covington Thousands had died, cities devastated, but the war was not real until that day. It had been fought at a distance with drones and missiles. None of the fighters ever saw the others. Weapons were fired and the results of the firings were seen: in ...

Lest we forget

In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we ...

The Reason I Haven’t Heard

Author: Janet Shell Anderson The reason I haven’t heard from my brother Jonathan is he’s dead. I made a mistake. It’s foggy, one of those autumn fogs that grow out of the Potomac and everything seems strange; our empty streets feel like someone’s there, but you can’t ...

Mozart and Other Meds

Author: David Henson “I'm going to lay down and take a nap,” I tell my wife. “You mean ‘lie down.’ ‘Lay’ is a transitive verb requiring an object.” “OK, OK. You've been popping smart pills again obviously.” “The etymology of ‘pill-popping’ is interesting, Walt. It ...

A Hybrid Welcome Revelation

Author : Rick Tobin Dear Humans: By now, you will be fully aware we are living among you. In some ways, in the last four hundred years, we have become you. No, there was no strident message or headline. This change was inevitable, just as Cro-Magnon’s gradual but ...

Brakes, Scars, and Other Things I Miss

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer Funny how the roar of wind fades into the background after a while. I loved the wind roar in my rag-top coupe. Drove that antique everywhere, pretty much spent my late teens in it, met the love of my life while driving it, and waved ...

Carl Whittaker 4

Author: Duncan Shields, Staff Writer “It’s not that I hate being rich. I love it. It’s just that I feel undeserving. I wish my situation wasn’t so unique.” said Carl Whittaker 4 to his therapist. “You mean being the first and likely only billionaire clone to exist?” ...

The Call Center

Author : David C. Nutt “Angel Cordoza, Operator 7157, signing on: 0700 EST 11 Jan.” “Good morning L90-05 this is control, do you read?” “Affirmative control. I know why you’re calling.” “Uh-huh. And if you know why, why don’t you just complete the mission?” “I want ...

City Eyes

Author: Josh Thompson The grey of the crowd’s grieving clothes blended with the concrete of the square in the cold morning haze. The sunlight filtering through the smog was enough to wash out the street level neon and the giant screens far above, but not enough to warm the ...

Birding at the Creation Museum

Author: Matt Poll “Don’t point at the bird, Larry honey,” Jared hissed, half-slapping his daughter’s finger out of the horizontal. She flashed him a comical tilt-headed glare of hurt, which he responded to with a comical arched-eyebrow glare of fatherly ...

Hands Down

Author: Rick Tobin Aaron’s dark green Volvo continued in the interstate fast lane, at the legal speed limit, when suddenly a bright red SUV swerved around him, honking, almost striking the front of his car. He smiled as the aggressive driver sped ahead, then veered suddenly ...

And We Found It in a Dark Place

Author: Adam Fout “All of it.” The creature’s look is quizzical. My helmet inhibits no sounds; I feel that my words are quite clear. My hands shake. My gloved fist smashes the surface of his table. “I need all of it. Not some. Not a bit. Not most. All. Is this a ...


Author:  Julian Miles, Staff Writer I land with a crunch that tells me the remaining organic ribs in my left side need replacing. “I bet that hurt, Shields.” Fast footsteps betray his next move. I brace, left arm tight. Sure enough, Manny lands a running kick that ...

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