Bye, Daddy
Author : Denni schnapp
Oil painted rainbows on the pavement. Franklin coughed as he dragged Chrissy behind him.
"Keep your mask up," he rasped, holding his own to his mouth with his free hand. The fumes made his eyes sting.
He paused, squinting. "Not--" Deep breath "Far. ...
What About the Children?
Author : Bill Richman
Bobby had always been a little different. His family felt it. So did the neighborhood children. His friends would have felt it too, if he'd had any. Of course, the other kids were quick to pick up on his oddities and use them to taunt him. He was ...
Hover Cat
Author : Chis Sharkey
The sign read:
Special Agent Smith studied it intently. The font was, of ...
Author : Sam Clough, Staff Writer
The best definition of 'coincidence' is 'you weren't paying attention to the other half of what was goin on.' Related to this is the little-known fact that effect can predate cause. Me and Darien were an effect. The cause's name was ...
Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer
Truger loathed recreational narcotics; he could never understand the point. Hallucinogens, depressants, all of them ran completely counter to his personality.
This made his current situation unbearable.
He remembered the moments before ...
Coin Toss
Author : Chris Sharkey
“Call it,” Doctor Knight instructed excitedly.
“Call it?” Han replied inquisitively.
“Yeah, call it. Heads or tails?”
“You asked me to come down here for a coin toss?” Han was skeptical. Doctor Knight almost always had some ulterior motive.
“Of ...
Author : Brian Armitage
Iskerreth stood before the assembly, manacled. The humans looked on, waiting. Listening. All was imminently silent. The Korrosk soldier straightened his back, his muscles shifting under his scales, his head quills flat against his scalp. He pressed his ...
Author : B. Zedan
Periodically, the pilot wished he had company. There were some things that were just more enjoyable with another being around. Besides the obvious, there was chess. The ship's helpful AI, such a benefit when it came to the obvious, just didn't cut it at ...
A Solution
Author : Bill Gale
Showing every one of his seventy-two years, the speaker rose to podium of the vast granite chamber. He uttered a single word – "Order". The irony of this formality did nothing for the moods of the three dozen delegates, for whom standing in hushed rooms had ...
Author : Ben 'Inorian' Le Chevalier
I’ve been a cypro for a few years now. That’s a short way of saying I have a cybernetic prosthesis. Technically, I’m a cyborg as is any human with mechanical parts, but people don’t like the word. It’s been given too many bad connotations from old ...
Deadly Fishconomist Assassins
Author : Andy Bolt
Carlton Marx felt only mildly guilty for opening up slice portals in peoples’ thoracic cavities. He was doing it in the hopes of developing a method of deployment for his growing army of genetically engineered combat fishconomists - economist/sea creature ...
Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer
It’s light outside which means that if we leave our hiding place, we will be seen and killed.
Not too long ago, human history was exposed and swept clear. Everything we sent at them just bounced off. It's six months later and I have no ...
Author : Glenn Blakeslee
He led me past a tractor rusting in the rain, pushed aside chickens with his foot and opened the door to his little house. Inside, bleak light fell through dirty windows.
"How much you gonna charge?" he asked.
The house was cluttered with dirty ...
Author : Sam Clough, Staff Writer
Sacha slumped down in a doorway, gathering her heavy clothes tighter around her. As a prophylactic measure, the cloth and leather were almost useless: it was less about protection, more about appearances. The door behind her was like every ...
Belle of the Ball
Author : Matthew Forish
My call sign is Belle – I don’t have a real name, just a designation: ASC-a217.5. I stand about four-foot-two - pretty short even for a girl - and weigh in at a paltry eighty-four pounds. There are plenty of children larger than I am. Of course, I was ...
The Europa Transmissions
Author : Glenn Head
Transmission 211.
Is it on, Greg? Is it? Okay.
Today our situation - stranded on Jupiter’s ice moon Europa - has worsened. Todd disappeared last night. He wasn’t in camp, by our ship, and we thought he’d gone on a surveillance trip. We found him dead ...
Saint John
Author : Glenn Blakeslee
It's a disease, I guess, an affliction. My body is bound to a parallel.
No, not a geometric form, but a line around the earth. I'm bound to the 38th parallel.
I woke one morning dizzy, with throbbing pain in my limbs and abdomen. I hurt for days, ...
Radio Free Earth
Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer
The aliens dug our tunes.
It was sweet. They came to down to us in these big blue ships, all curves and awe-inspiring slowness through the clouds like settling continents. Freaked us right out. We, the human race, didn’t even try to ...
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