The Theory of Fiction

Author : Gray Blix The theory of fiction is similar to the theory of gravity in that it's the best explanation for what we observe as reality. The average person knows that gravity is not a wishy-washy "theory" but rather an immutable force that must be reckoned with. Who among us has ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer It’s a little ticklish when the needles go in but the anesthetic keeps her from moving. It keeps her laughing on the inside. Grown from a vat of jaguar with a splash of greyhound and a swirl of human, she’s extremely thin and toothy. This is her ...

Not Suitable

Author : Suzanne Borchers “How long have we been out from Base surveying these idiotic planets?” Shar slapped a metallic cloth on the shielded wall to collect filings from her husband’s work on a port glass. “I’m ready to slurp down some authentic concoction while slouching on a ...

It's Not a Racial Issue

Author : Emily Stupar I’m falling and I’m not sure when it started, or when it’s going to end. Although, I do have some theories. Maybe I’m falling because I’m fulfilling a lifelong wish to go skydiving. There’s a bot instructor strapped to my back and all I can think is that I may as ...


Author : Leif Hansen Terra didn’t laugh. Not because I pushed my joke too far, as was typical, but because she suddenly realized what I was. Within the few seconds it took for me to deliver my puerile punchline, her mind had grasped the meaning of my eyes’ incautious flicker from blue ...


Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer “Did you see them? Silver streaks through cumulus, probably an Andorini scout formation. It’s not like anyone here would recognise them.” Officer Peters looked over at the shuffling, muttering figure. Taking in the irregular gait, the handful of ...

Time Streams

Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer If I was tripping, my colleagues must have been as well because we all saw it. Just us four janitors on the night shift, mops and brooms dropped, staring at the nightmare in the corner of the building. It spoke to us but I couldn’t see where its ...

At The Bottom Of The Well

Author : Bob Newbell Consciousness returned slowly to Inderak and Wynep. Memory took a little longer but in short order the events that lead up to the present flashed back into recall: The malfunction with the hyperdrive. The failed attempt to enter orbit around the moon of the third ...

Small Mercies

Author : David Atos The man was sitting at Donald Thompson’s kitchen table when he got home, reading a file. “Right on time, Mister Thompson.” Donald jumped back against the wall in alarm. “Who are you, and how the hell did you get into my apartment?” he shouted. “I suppose the ...

Severance Package

Author : Connor Harbison The old man watched red-orange dust rise from the trail. Perks of living up on this promontory, only one way to come in. He filled his pipe again and leaned back in the rocking chair. The visitor would be here soon enough. The visitor dismounted his hoverbike ...

Occupational Hazards

Author : Connor Harbison The sand got everywhere. Lieutenant Sawyer cursed her luck. Others from her Academy class had postings all over the galaxy, on exotic planets and flashy space stations. Only she was stuck here on this assignment. Aurelia IV was her home for the foreseeable ...

Torn and Frayed

Author : Joe Essid The air felt greasy as Shane climbed off his Harley into a tropical Virginia July evening. Even shirtless, in ruined jeans and a leather vest, Shane felt clammy. Only the wind, all the way from Leavenworth and freedom, had kept him from melting. ...

The Universe Keeps Slipping Away

Author : Decater Collins Two years ago, they wouldn’t have been able to afford such a house. Debra didn’t like thinking about before. “We can afford it now. That’s all that should matter." “You’re not worried about it being too remote?" "Look at this bay window." The house was ...


Author : Bob Newbell I raise my hand and wave to get Scott's attention as he walks into the restaurant. He comes over and joins me in the booth. He gestures at my drink. "Is that whiskey? Never seen you drink anything stronger than red wine. Something up?" "Yeah. Remember a couple of ...

All Your Banners Are Dust

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer The robot stands there just after dawn, under the skies of another beautiful day, atop a rusting hulk, waving a steel pole about in a way that hints at long-lost purpose. On the ground nearby, two large felines rest on their haunches, their ...


Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer “Kraaaxxx, a full report please.” “This one will be easy sir. Take out their electronic web and they’ll be virtually blind. It’s still in its infancy and these bipeds are extremely dependant on it for everything from news to ...


Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer "It's not meat you know." He'd slipped up silently beside me at the meat counter and was pointing to the shrink-wrapped flat of striploin I was holding. "They print those, from meat flavoured engineered inks, but they're not meat." As I ...

Doing Smore with Les

Author : Rick Tobin “See, the smoke goes straight up. Nice day tomorrow, if we could go outside.” “Meter still reads dangerous. Maybe the Van Allen will come back.” “Out of our control. It’s the Sun. No wonder cultures worshiped it.” The elder, Lester Simpson, rested on flat ...

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