
Author : Connor Harbison The villagers accepted the occupation as a fact of life. After all, where were they to go? The spaceport was heavily guarded, the surrounding jungles were filled with ravenous monsters and cannibal tribes, and beyond them the jagged mountains offered even less ...

The Spectator

Author : Elijah Goering The light from the unstable star took four hours to reach the scientific survey ship that was orbiting it. Consequently, it was four hours after the warning was sent before the ship's one man crew reacted to it. The star was now too unstable, and the jump gate ...

Walk-in Bistro

Author : Rick Tobin One unusual woman carved through me—cutting rivers in my desert landscape. I met Rebecca during my second career—writing, which was stalled. My haunt, when hunting ideas and caffeine, was a spartan coffee shop near San Antonio. The Walk-in Bistro had a counter ...

War No More

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer The mists swirl about our feet and the cold blues of brushed steel surfaces surround us. There is distant hubbub, like a monster stirring in its lair - which is an accurate analogy. The Major’s eyes open and focus on mine. She sits up: “War?” ...


Author : David Botticello We only discovered them by mistake. Waiting out in space, watching, listening. Deliberating. We had this exploration drone, for a comet. It was supposed to land, take samples, send back pictures and analysis—you know the deal. The physics of the thing was ...


Author : Gray Blix The first one I saw was at the auto repair. My neighbor, Al, recommended Hans, who fixed a problem even the dealer couldn't find and did it in one afternoon for only fifty bucks. "I hope the guy's still in business," Al said. "I told him he needs to charge more. ...

Divinity Rescinded

Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer I create gods. So far I've created sixty­eight. If one puts an all­powerful deity in the middle of a primitive society, one can get a lot accomplished. It's essentially a victimless crime except for the centuries of religious squabbles that can ...

Fideles Regenerati

Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer Zenn realized fairly quickly he'd misunderstood the conversation. Terrance Hopter had said "I'd like to hire you. Party at the beach house, Friday night, seven thirty." Zenn agreed, and upon asking about the dress code Mr Hopter had said ...


Author : Philip McNeill Kris looked out the viewport into the void of space. She hated it here. She hated space, she hated the ship, but most of all she hated the engineers who still hadn’t got the gravity turned back on. It was like a prison. There was a small hiss as the door ...

Judas Ghost

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer “Did you really think this was going to be scenic?” I cannot help it; disgust oozes around my words. He swallows hard. Tearing his gaze from the spectacle, he fastens wide eyes on mine: “This is horrific. What law would allow this?” Every ...

Bright Ridge Corridor

Author : Ian Hill The two men stood shifting their weight uneasily, peering into the depths of the passageway’s stone entrance. Leaves of autumn crunched underfoot as they nervously glanced back over their shoulders down the length of the bright forest corridor. Looming tree palisades ...

The Monkey Project

Author : David Botticello “How was your vacation, Professor?” Huxley asked, glancing from the display in front of her. “Oh, you know the Paradise Worlds, they always leave you feeling so relaxed...and yet unfulfilled at the same time,” responded Professor Tibbetz, nodding in ...

They Are Called Emotions

Author : J.P. Flarity "I...feel," the child communicated to the parent. "What is it that you feel?" "It's like quasars pulsing on every side of me—stars rise and fall like electrons and positrons self-annihilating, in flashes so fast I can't keep track of them. Like ...

Final Moments

Author : Bob Newbell I hear the sound of alarms in the distance. An ambulance? A firetruck? No, the sound isn't that. An alarm clock? The sounds get louder. Recognition hits me like a blast of cold air. I pick individual alerts out from the symphony of klaxons. Atmospheric pressure ...

Give and Give

Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer Jackson3 walked home from the factory in knee deep snow, although the snow bothered him about as much as the sun did in the summer, which was not at all. The water couldn't penetrate his joints, and a thin layer of laser warmed air kept the ...

Life after Jupiter

Author : Gray Blix Before NASA's panelists were even introduced, a reporter shouted at a scientist known for his off the cuff statements. "Dr. Worful, why did Jupiter blow up?" Nervously, "Well, for starters, Jupiter didn't 'blow up.' There's no energy emissions, no shock waves, no ...

Stars Broke Loose

Author : Bruce L. Priddy The fish rolled its four goat-like eyes, gnashed its human-like teeth and bleated obscenities as Kendal pulled it from the river. June, his wife, gasped at the sight of the mutant. “Must have swam up from near the city,” Kendal said. “The others have been ...

Paradox for Dinner

Author : Burke Lerch Alan always visited the same diner on the same date, at the same time. 7:43 P.M. Ten minutes after he first ordered the patty melt and fries, and one minute before he stood up from his table to step into the bathroom. With a loud pop he was back in the same stall, ...

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