The Rise and Fall of the First Shi Empire

Author : Kathy Kachelries, Staff Writer Nate Sorelli ruled the playground like Napoleon ruled France: with an iron fist and a mind like a laser-cut scalpel. With the knowledge of Sun Tzu and strategies selectively culled from the Roman and British Empires, Nate Sorelli was ...

Something in the way she…

Author : Sharoda

Jerry and I stood in the locked room looking through a large window at the woman in the hospital bed. The door next to the window led into the room, it had a green light over it showing it was unlocked.

"I'm not going in there", Jerry said. "Becka's gone! ...

Man of the Clattering Past

Author : J.R. Blackwell, Staff Writer

He's from the time before the bio-enhancements, before organs could be grown from a single cell. Age hollowed him out, and though his plastic face looks young, he's just a shell. When I lean on his chest, I can hear what I imagine to be ...


Author : Sam Clough, Staff Writer

The Locus is the focal point of our operation. It exists for a period of one year, at the south pole of the nascent earth. That year is constantly recycled: we've been in operation for twenty-four years, subjective. Geologically speaking, we leave ...


Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer

”Say what you want”, said Shane to the house A.I., “ever since the war, this part of the world has spectacular sunsets.” He was on a balcony overlooking the Mediterranean.

“Incoming. Three sigs.” stated the house ...

Pete, Re-Pete

Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer Two hours ago, Pete had been pulled gasping from a tank of jelly. Now he sat in an immaculate office, wearing borrowed clothes with his employer staring him down from the far side of a granite slab desk top. "Welcome back, Pete." Terrence Carter, ...

Earth Needs…

Author : Grady Hendrix

Fear gripped his guts! Fear turned his spine to water! Fear packed his bowels with ice and made his fingers tremble! That's what Jim thought he should be feeling, but instead his mind was a blank white eternity with a billboard in the middle and written on the ...

Magic Fingers

Author : Matthew Reshonsky

Ariel groaned as John held her tighter on the motel bed. For a moment he was lost in the experience of her perfect-ness. The way that her body always seemed to fit the contours of his own with the perfect blend of softness to touch and hold. Over the last ...

Capital Punishment on Beta Hydri

Author : Patricia Stewart, Staff Writer

Using his pincers, Brachyura meticulously trimmed the crust off the edges of his sandwich. Satisfied that it was all removed, he rapidly consumed the meal in a nibbling motion that was too fast for his human visitor to follow. Brachyura ...

The King's Music Box

Author : Jacinta A. Meyers

"Oh!" Justice jumped, spilling the two hundred year-old cabernet all over his ratty clothes. "Y'know what we got here, fellas?"

The other two looked at him. He was grinning like a fool, strings of diamonds draped over his neck and clothes dark with ...

Joana Baker

Author : V.L. Ilian

Vice manager Hans Heidelberg exited the elevator with unusual nervousness. He knew the chief was awaiting his report but never in his life had Hans been so unsure about himself.

“Mr. DeVries… The report on the 2 hour outage of our mainframe is ...

Summer of Love 2.0

Author : Duncan Shields, Staff Writer

“I mean, what I’m saying is,” he said, “is that going skinny dipping never killed anyone.”

Her eyes trembled back for a second and her look softened to a vacancy that let him know that she was accessing.

“Brandy and ...


Author : Asher Wismer

"There's a bug in my drink," said the customer.

I lifted the glass and held it to the light. Sure enough, a little fly floated midway, almost obscured by the amber liquid.

"Sorry about that." I poured him a replacement, and he went back to his ...

The GENErevolution ™ is Now

Author : Joshua Reynolds

"Are you sure this will work?" the President asked. He was broad, clumsy and permanently flustered. These were his only defining qualities, and his election was still regarded as something of a fluke.

"Of course, Mr. President." The GENErevolution ...

The Icemen Cometh

Author: Roi R. Czechvala

They think we are unaware during the Freeze. They say our brain activity is too low for rational thought. At best they say we might experience vague fleeting dreamlike states. They think we sleep. They’re wrong.

It’s been two years since our last ...


Author : J.R. Blackwell, Staff Writer

Kala waited till the sun rose above the mountains, and then got up out of the dirt to find Awn. Kala was covered in dirt and dust, some of which had gotten into the metal shoes that were locked to her feet. Awn was standing in a stream, cleaning ...

Bob Dexedrine

Author : Sam Clough, Staff Writer

Robert Meier quietly walked between the rows of tanks. Each tank held a blank, a three hundred kilocredit backup body for whoever could afford the fee. They were low-maintenance, but regulations meant that a pair of eyes had to check each tank at ...

And The Winner Is…

Author : J. S. Kachelries

The host of the very popular holovision show slithered to the center of the stage. The thunderous ovation of 1500 tails pounding on the floor died away as the host’s three antennae motioned them to quiet down. The holocameras panned slowly from the ...

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