Monologue Of a Sommelier

Author: A. C. Weaver The Franz Josef Glacier has a smoky flavor and a granular texture. The Mendenhall glacier is gamey, with notes of musk and vetiver. The Greenland Ice Sheet has a powdery sweetness to it, like fine sugar. Ice of the Baltoro Glacier -- which I enjoyed ...

Use for the Humans

Author: Brooks C. Mendell Victoria remembered when, as a girl, she walked through Wellington Wood with her father. They listened to woodpeckers banging their heads for bugs and looked for promising oak trees to climb. The arrival of the Grafters and their technological ...

Not alone in the universe

Author: Igor Dyachishin More than thirty years have passed since we were made sure that we were not alone in the universe. Aliens appeared unexpectedly in Jupiter’s orbit. Huge space fleet with unknown intentions. Our governments, of course, did not immediately tell us ...


Author: Melissa Kobrin The first step of unLeveling is to dial down my Sense-thizer. Have to maximize my time to adjust to unsensethized bio senses. Caleb, set it to zero. Strings of code slide through the mixed flesh and machine of my brain. The world runs away while ...

Spontaneous Human—

Author: Hillary Lyon Inspector Morrisey stood between the empty easy chair and the ancient cathode-ray television. He withdrew a pen and a small notepad from the inside pocket of his wrinkled trench coat. “Tell me again Mrs. Kittle, what happened.” “My husband was ...


Author: Majoki “Now then, Mr. Klatubowski, what is it I can do for you?” Jerome sat across from the unremarkable little man in a billowy black rain jacket and fedora. He looked very out of place in Jerome’s ultra modern office of modular metals and arid glass. In ...

Higher Calling

Author: James Callan Metallic is in fashion, in women and in men --silver lipstick, bronze eyeshadow, the carapace sheen of loud, scarab hues glinting in the crests of loose-fitting, transparent plastic, artificial fabric. Sometimes you think you see one; a synthetic. Then ...

The Dead Planets

Author: Deborah Shrimplin Dr. Trieste, a cultural anthropologist, was hovering over her latest data. She and the crew of the spaceship, Daiedales, had completed their findings on five of the six dead planets in the Milky Way. A planet was designated "dead" if it had been ...

Nim’s Log

Author: Bryant Benson Earth 23979 Ancient Records: Elder’s Account From the deepest reaches of the endless abyss, he emerged. He descended on our world like a shining god, a gift of annihilation from the black heavens. His name was Nim. The oldest of ...


Author: Katherine S Sanger Do you know what it’s like when you’re at a hotel, and you’re already nervous because every hotel you’ve ever stayed at reminds you of The Shining, and then you get in the elevator in the lobby, and you see a man striding towards the elevator ...

My Broken Star

Author: Frederick Charles Melancon Only at night could we have the memorial service for Ben. Well, as long as, we kept it far enough out in the desert so that none of the locals could bother us. The vat of still water in the center was a nice touch. Back on our home ...

Quantum Jitters

Author: Majoki “Did you feel that?” Gilly asked. A few steps ahead, Sampson sunk his ice axe into the crusty snow. “No. I didn’t feel anything.” The couple was at nearly 9,000 feet resting on the edge of the glacier that corkscrewed precipitously to the top of Guth ...


Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer We swerve down an alleyway and tuck ourselves up against rubbish bins. Try to catch our breath. What a fiasco. Supposed to be the first demonstration against the British State Act, turned into a series of running battles. Most of us were ...

Boy with an Aster in His Palm

Author: Jeremy Nathan Marks There was a little boy in Jeanette’s care whom she called “my last hope.” She said he was unique because he would laugh and shower curiosity on the world. He was the only child who ever tried conversing with her. She kept a bird feeder by her ...

The Worst Year

Author: Shannon O'Connor The year I lived on Arachnida was the worst year of my life. It was a real dump back then. People say it’s changed, but I haven’t been back in a long time. When I lived there, pawnshops selling all kinds of junk filled the town center. The ...


Author: David Berger “I hate bleeding,” Nora said to her friend Allison out of nowhere. Allison screwed up her face in response. “Don’t look at me that way,” Nora went on. “I don’t mean the tampon stuff! I mean this twice a year shit. They take a pint out, give us a ...

You Don’t Buy New Family

Author: Stephen C. Curro Phobos had just set when I exited Mark’s airlock and stepped into the little antechamber that served as a mud room. I popped my EVA helmet off and kicked the door open into the living room. “Where is it?!” I shouted. I raised my particle gun and ...


Author: Borut Slokan Report private spy translation quick done, planet race dust is, treasures left The artifact, planet race gone whisper wind, one, only one preserved in howling sand, precious digged, found, rigged, bound, could brought to wisdom the universe. The ...

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