
Author : chesterchatfield I woke up one morning and found a small robot living on my leg. By the time I stumbled up to the bathroom, I could feel the little parasite burrowing, trying to get at my mind. After an hour, I’d become a passenger in my own body, watching this little creep ...

Bad with Time

Author : Jay Knioum, Featured Writer Is this Waterloo? This is Waterloo, isn't it? That was the question that sealed it for me. That bright day in Hyde Park, with the pigeons. It wasn't a great feat to hide the Professor's keys from him after that. The Apparatus, however, was another ...


Author : Desmond Hussey, Staff Writer It’s oily, amber light which finally penetrates the hazy atmosphere as the first forays of dawn dimly paint the coastal shoreline. Ook-Pak emerges from his dome-like tent and stretches his many limbs, shaking off sleep’s lethargic blanket. ...


Author : Roger Dale Trexler “No, no, no!” he said. It just won’t do.” He looked at the workers and shook his head. “Do you call those hands?” He motioned toward the thing lying on the slab in front of him. “And feet? Those look more like claws!” He shook his head again. “It ...

Bad Reception

Author : Rocky Hutson “They're incompatible: He has no income and she has no patability.” The middle aged couple entered the reception hall. Invited guests of the groom's family, they were eager to give their condolences to the happy couple, Herkus and Midge, get back to ...

Running Late

Author : S. L. Gilbow Nancy is running late again. Not surprising. She’s the type who shows up after you’ve already decided the movie you wanted to see isn’t really worth seeing or after you’ve figured out that the dinner reservation you’ve had for a week was a mistake in the first ...

The Breeze From Beyond

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer They put me in a mansuit again. I objected until the Hnth decreed and I had to comply. Then to my surprise, they acted upon the other half of my request. The Krntch dropped me on a beach. I stood there, watching men of both genders flee in terror, ...

Love Beatrice

Author : Clint Wilson, Staff Writer Time travel has always been possible. We’ve been doing it for centuries. Even the most archaic craft in our earliest space faring ventures used to bring back brave voyagers aged a fraction of a second younger than they would have been had they never ...

Lost and Found

Author : Jay Knioum, Featured Writer He thought he heard crows. When he found the noise, it was just a loose telephone cable blowing against the remains of a wire fence. Crows wouldn't have survived. Crows built nests, not bomb shelters. "Ramon? Hey Ray!" "Yeah. You find anything, ...


Author : Desmond Hussey, Staff Writer “Who am I?” Karen asked the reflection in her bathroom mirror. For years now she couldn’t shake the feeling that the face looking back at her was somehow alien, not really a part of her. As usual, the unspoken response was instantaneous, ...


Author : Matthew Allen A mechanical appendage lifts away from her, its claws curling back as it settles next to the table she is lying on. "And breathe." Her diaphragm tightens and the pressure in her lungs drops, dragging warm air in from outside. It feels ...


Author : Robert Spencer When Dr. Fassenbiender both stepped out of the capsules, it took them half a second to realise who was Dr. Fassenbiender and who was not. And so, in a small laboratory at the back of the Centre for Untested Technologies (or the "Creators of Unspeakable Terrors" ...

Life Sentence

Author : Nigel G. Mitchell Detective Laura Harman fingered the small device in her pocket as she looked down at the frail old man lying in the bed before her. It took everything she had to keep from wrapping her fingers around that thin and slender neck, and snapping it in ...

Box Medical

Author : Morrow Brady ABOUT Congratulations for considering Box Medical for your healthcare needs. Box Medical are proud to bring an efficient, cost neutral, recovery and treatment service, to meet the needs of all citizens. This info-page explains the origins of Box Medical and how ...

Is My Friend

Author : Julian Miles, Staff Writer There is smoke coming from my tear ducts. The cause of that is the same as the one that is causing my brain to feel too big for my cranium and is also making the nerves in every tooth throb. Sickening pain in heartbeat-synchronised waves. I roll over ...

Carrier Lost

Author : Jay Knioum, Featured Writer Yellow emergency lights make Chrys look like an elf as she gazes up at them, her eyes flashing with reflections. "Shut that shit off." My voice is robotic. Still not used to it. Merlin's already at the panel, jacked in through the conduit in his ...

Sufficiently Advanced Technology

Author : David Botticello Deep in the heart of the jungle, Mark waited. The party had approached her position with seemingly endless fortitude; rafting rivers, rappelling cliffs, and wading through the darkest mires of Boudicca III’s surface. Renewed energy seemed to course through ...

Time Was

Author : Roger Dale Trexler He opened the door. He stood there a moment before he turned on the light. On the far wall, opposite the door, he saw the picture of Jane Russell. He stepped into the room, and placed the bag and the roses on the bed. The bag was heavy, and he wasn’t as ...

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