
"Did you hear about the breakout on the southside?" Alison twisted her head around to watch Misty pulling off her decontamination helmet, which emitted a soft suction sound as her head popped out of the air-tight seal. "What? I couldn't hear you through this. You know I hate it when you do ...


Carol laughed, her plump cheeks rising over tiny eyes. "Admit it, you're a genius." Jude shook his head and his dark silky hair slipped over his pale face. "I do okay, but I wouldn't say I'm a genius." Carol smirked and put her hands on her fleshy hips. "How about Renaissance man? Come on! ...

High Art

In the evenings I would go into the studio, tablet in hand, and sit there for hours, just sketching. My husband had bought me a full-wall screen for our last anniversary, finally giving in to the idea that without my art, we wouldn't have had a marriage. After twenty-two years, it was an ...

Keeping Safe

Jemai's skin was the color of water, which is to say it was hardly a color at all. Her body was a milky grey that took on a blue or green tint in certain lights, and when Thomas's warm fingers traced her hip bones they left a trail of amber in their wake. He loved the way her skin reacted to ...

Outer Space Romance

"I don't understand you Earthans at all," Jaeg said, inflating a third bladder in order to rise up to the spaceship window. Earth was still in view, though it was slowly shrinking amongst the black. "You have one of the most gorgeous planets in the galaxy, yet you all are constantly wandering ...

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