Return From NewWorld

Author: David Henson Colors are less vibrant, flowers without scent. Water doesn't feel as wet. All this and more so our simulated world consumes less energy. And data errors slipped through. In NewWorld my toes are webbed — a constant reminder of where I am. Still, life ...

I Tell You Lies While You Sleep

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer Not for you, but for me. “Emily, Uncle Karl, and the twins. All together in that great big truck of his. They’ll be laughing and we’ll laugh too.” Laughter. You’re my only source of that, but I’m not the only cause of it for you. ...

Hope in a Bottle

Author: Isaiah Stott The ship drifted through the starry sky. Its engines long cold. The walls on the inside of the ship had been stripped, cables and mechanical parts littered the halls. The emergency lights on the floor flickered, as somewhere in the ship another ...

Ava: Before and After

Author: Ananya Bhatt I heard the bell. It was time for science class. I took a computer chip out of my brain and put in my science class one. By the time I got to class, the information was downloaded. I was ready for my test. My name is Ava Johnson. I am 14 years old, ...

Written on the Walls of a Building

Author: Michael Anthony Dioguardi Important information for all Galpasorean invaders! It is imperative that you read this entire message before invading this human-occupied quadrant. Following the initial provocation that concluded with the deaths and consequent ...

Play Dirty

Author: Michael Anthony Dioguardi The last man on earth to beat a cyborg on the track? That would be Galen Ryan, of course. To this day I don’t remember why he did it, or rather, what point he was trying to prove; he wasn’t any good, at least in the professional sense. He ...

What Happened When Supermarkets Stopped Selling Makeup

Author: Irene Montaner I take one last look around the beauty aisle. Combs, hairbrushes, face creams and cleansers, body moisturisers, shampoos and conditioners, bath foams, hand soaps - empty racks by the way - ear buds and cotton pads. And then, black ragged plastic bags ...


Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer We’re eighty-four days out from Sondehaven before we pick up the right beacon. I get everyone’s attention with a short blast of the klaxon, which prompts a round of rude guesswork as to my parentage and next sexual partner. “You’re all ...


Author: Mike McMaster “South.” said the captain. “But that doesn’t make sense,” complained his crew. “There are no magnetic poles here, so there is no North or South.” “When you travel and everything cools and then chills and then bites into your very bones, when the ...


Author: Baishampayan Seal The yellow two-rotor postal-drone comes down to me as I walk down the pavement with the whole week's grocery. Generally, these drones are Prussian blue, with no biohazard symbol like it has of course; so this one must have something to do with the ...

The Man with All the Time in the World

Author: Don Nigroni Dr. Humphrey Devereux is the famous polymath who won the first Nobel Prize in mathematics. We were best friends since we were mischievous little boys. He became a mathematical physicist and I’m still an English Literature professor. He was slightly ...

The Death of Old Zero

Author: R. J. Erbacher He is known by many names. Most people call him Jack. He prefers Old Zero. His campaign starts on the first nippy morning in late September when the average person wakes with a chill in their bones and turns the heat on for the first time in six ...

Loxodonta Africana

Author: Lewis Richards "What is it?" "My boy, this is an Elephant." The man responded, never taking his eyes from the animal. "What does it do?" His grandson continued, Looking woefully unimpressed. "Well, it eats, it drinks, you see those horns at the front? ...

He Practices on the Mountain

Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer Every day he was there, walking funny and slowly waving his arms about like he was directing the spaceships that thundered over his head as they went to and from the port. Chan and Ling Di led a group of us up there. We hid in the bushes ...

Real Estate

Author: Joshua Fagan To the human who found my spaceship: I am sorry the front door was locked, but the open house does not start until tomorrow. You’re free to come back then, and in fact, I encourage you to do so. I have an offer to make you. Living out of a spaceship ...

Little Rituals

Author: Lewis Richards We all have little rituals. Lily braids her hair every night before bed, Daisy rubs the same spot on her arm when she worries, Jasmine taps out the same rhythm with her fingers when she daydreams in lessons. We all wear our white silks and pearls ...

Short Supply

Author: R. Michael “Good morning, Sue. How may I assist you today?” “I’m afraid there isn’t much you can do, Vick. Everyone is staying home. They know what’s happening and don’t want to put additional strain on the system,” Sue replied, rummaging through some boxes on a ...

Until Further Notice

Author: Mary Sophie Filicetti The roar of overhead planes; that’s what hits me—or more, the lack of it. Each morning at six planes soared overhead, one after another, pulling me into a dim consciousness. Night brought a gradual reversal, the gaps between flights widening ...

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